a Covenant consisting of a promise and stipulation, made not internally alone with the heires of promise, but externally administred, offered unto and accepted of all the members of the Church, viz. of Adam and Eve, and all their posterity, that were dedicated to God by them, or did accept or receive the promise of mercy. If no Covenant had been made, there could have been no Church, nor pleasing service tendered unto God. If this Covenant had not been externally administred, no unregenerate man could have been in the Church, nor have communion in the ordinances of Religion. But by vertue of this Covenant, Cain as well as Abell offered Sacrifice unto God, as a member of the Church, and after his Sacrifice was rejected he heares from God, Gen. 4.3,4If thou do well shalt thou not be accepted? which is a promise of the Covenant that tooke place after the fall; for the former Covenant made no mention of mercy to be vouchsafed to the delinquent upon repentance, nor of acceptance after transgression. Of this Covenant there be two parts; first a promise, 2. a stipulation. The promise is, that God will pardon the sinnes of them that repent unfainedly, and believe in his mercy: which he doth truly promise to all in Covenant, and effectually bestow upon them that be heires of the promise. 2. The stipulation is, that they believe in him that justifieth the ungodly, and walke before him in all wel-pleasing. This may be gathered, because the promise of forgivenesse cannot be received, but by faith, and by faith it is that we overcome the world, and vanquish Sathan, the enemy of our soules. Thus we reade, that Heb. 11.2,4,6.by faith the Elders obtained a good report: and that by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent Sacrifice then Caine: by which he obtained witnesse that he was righteous: and that by faith Enoch was translated, that he should not see death: and that Noah became heire of the righteoussnesse which is by faith: which is an argument sufficient, that they understood how faith was required in this Covenant or promise. And seeing it is the property of faith to worke by love, and to be fruitfull in all good workes, of necessity if faith be commanded, obedience is required, though not as the cause of life, yet as the way to life, and the fruit of faith. If we must beleeve in God, we must also walke with God, and worke righteousnesse. To whom God gives to believe in him, to them he gives to obey, and doe all his Commandements; as he doth to all that be effectually and internally in Covenant withhis
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