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Of the Covenant of Grace

all things, Job 8. 3. Sometimes they turne it heavenly, Psal. 68. 15. once they retaine the Hebrew word σαδδαί, Ezek. 10. 5. and once they use an expression, which comes nigh to selfe sufficiency and contentation, ὃτε μμεν ὑλιώδες λίανJob 29. 5. qui materia copiosus est valde. But when God manifested himselfe to Abraham to be God Almighty, the meaning is not so much to expresse what God is in himselfe, as what he would be to Abraham and his posterity: as afterwards Exod. 6.3.when he saith he would be knowne unto them by his name Jehovah, therby is meant that he would give being to the promises formerly made unto them. And in many passages, Psal. 90.2.
Psal. 102.12,
Heb. 1.12.
Gen. 12.2,3.
Act. 3.25.
Gen. 22.17.
Heb. 6.14.
Gal. 3.8.
when the Scripture speakes of the eternity of God, the absolute eternity which respects God himselfe, is not understood: but that wherby he will shew himself eternall in his love and favour and rich grace towards his people. Art not thou from everlasting, ô Lord our God, we shall not die. And when the promise was made to Abraham, that in him, or in his seed, all nations of the earth should be blessed, therein was preached the Gospell unto Abraham, that the Gentiles should be turned from their sinnes, justified by faith, adopted to be the Sonnes of God, made partakers of the promised Spirit, and receive the Inheritance purchased for the Saints.

Voss. resp. Ra-
v rsp.

cap. 23.
Unto these spirituall blessings, it pleased God to add the promise of many and great temporall good things, which are fully branched out in the words before cited, and may be reduced to these heads. Psal. 3.4. & 7.11.
Psal. 18.3.
1. Protection, I am thy shield. The Sept. hath it, I will protect or stand betwixt the and all dangers, that may threaten, or seem to come nigh thee. The like promise is often repeated in Scripture, wherin not simple aid or vulgar manner of protection is signified, but present, certaine, effectuall defence, nigh at hand continually, and that performed with great care and promptnes of mind. 2. Riches and honour, I will make thee great and thy name shall be great. Numb. 23.10.
Deut. 10.
Gen. 32.13.
Jer. 15.8.
Hos 1.10.
Hab. 1.9.
Isa. 10.22. &
Jer 33.22.
3. Multiplicity of seed; I will multiply thee exceedingly. There be three things in Scripture and Theocrit. Joyll 15.
Horat. 1 Car. Od. 28.
Sen. in Med.
Ovid Trist. Eleg. 4.
Heathen Authours, which are used proverbially, to signify an huge and exceeding great number, the dust of the earth, the sands of the sea, and starres of Heaven. And all these are brought to resemble the exceeding number into which the seed of Abraham should breake forth, Gen. 13. 16. & 22. 17. Gen. 15. 5.   4. The Land of Canaan is promised as an everlasting possession, and therein holy Government, Church ordinances and other blessings attending ther-on: