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as it was made and manifested to Abraham.

cellent vertue, but relatively as it received the promise of mercy, not as if Abraham was thereby made perfect by inherent holinesse, for then Abraham had whereof to glory in himselfe, but as in himselfe a sinner and ungodly he obtained free and full remission of the meere grace and favour of God. So that we may conclude from this passage of holy writ, that Abraham was justified by faith alone: but this his faith though alone in the act of Justification, no other grace coworking with it, was not alone in existence, did not lie dead in him as a dormant and idle quality. Saving faith is lively and operative, attended with every other grace of the Spirit, setting them upon their worke, animating and quickning them thereto, and regulating them therein. It stirres up sorrow for sinne, and purpose of amendment; it raiseth the soule earnestly to long after, and heartily to crave mercy: it comes to Christ as an humble, poore, penitent petitioner for forgivenesse: but that which is done by faith stirring up sorrow, and working by prayer, is not done partly by faith, partly by sorrow, and partly by prayers, but by that faith which doth enforce to pray. For faith leaneth upon the promise, and no promise is made, the condition of prayer being shut forth. Aske, and it shall be given you, Mark 11. 24. Therefore our Saviour Christ being intreated of many that he would heale them, attributeth all the force of their prayers to faith, Thy faith hath saved thee. And so by what faith Abraham embraced the promise, by the same he offered up his Son Isaac. Jam. 2.22,23.Workes then (or a purpose to walke with God) justifie as the passive qualification of the subject capable of Justification, or as the qualification of that faith that justifieth; or as they testifie or give proofe that faith is lively: but faith alone justifieth, as it embraceth the promise of free forgivenesse in Jesus Christ. Abrahams faith was accepted for righteousnesse, but Gen. 17.1.Abraham himselfe is commanded to walke before God, and to be perfect. There be divers phrases in the Scripture of the Old Testament, expressing the same thing for substance: as to walke לפָנַיbefore God. Gen. 17. 1. Sept. εναντίον. and 24. 40. and 48. 15.   LXX ἐνώπιόν.1 Kin. 3. 6. Sept. καθὼς δίηλθεν. Psal. 116. 9. Isai. 38. 3. Psal. 56. 14. 1 King. 9. 4. to walke with God. אתGen. 5. 22. and 6. 9. Mal. 2. 6. עם
LXX. μετὰ
Mic. 6. 8. to walke after God. אתר
2 King. 23. 3. Hos. 11. 10. to walke in the name of God. Zech. 10. 12. to walke in the wayes of God. 1 King. 3. 14. Deut. 10. 12, 13, 14. wholly to follow after the Lord. i.e. to exhibite full obedience to theLord.