Distribution of Electricity on Three Spherical Surfaces which Intersect at Right Angles.
Fig. 13
169.] Let the radii of the spheres be , then
Let , Fig. 13, be the feet of the perpendiculars from on the opposite sides of the triangle, and let be the intersection of perpendiculars.
Then is the image of in the sphere , and also the image of in the sphere . Also is the image of in the sphere .
Let charges , and be placed at and .
Then the charge to be placed at is
Also , so that the charge at , considered as the image of , is
In the same way we may find the system of images which are electrically equivalent to four spherical surfaces at potential unity intersecting at right angles.
If the radius of the fourth sphere is , and if we make the charge at the centre of this sphere =, then the charge at the intersection of the line of centres of any two spheres, say and , with their plane of intersection, is
The charge at the intersection of the plane of any three centres with the perpendicular from is