Since the charge of each image is proportional to its parameter, , and is to be taken positively or negatively according as it is of the form or , we find
We have now obtained the positions and charges of the two infinite series of images. We have next to determine the total charge on the sphere by finding the sum of all the images within it which are of the form or . We may write this
and the other functions of are derived from these by the same definitions as the corresponding trigonometrical functions.
The method of applying dipolar coordinates to this case was given by Thomson in Liouville's Journal for 1847. See Thomson's reprint of Electrical Papers, 211, 212. In the text I have made use of the investigation of Prof. Betti, Nuovo Cimento, vol. xx, for the analytical method, but I have retained the idea of electrical images as used by Thomson in his original investigation, Phil. Mag., 1853.