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Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/38

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p. 159, l. 3, for read .

p. 159, l. 2 from bottom, for read .

p. 163, l. 20, for read .

p. 164, equation (34), for read

p. 179, equation (76), for read .

p. 185, equation (24), for read .

p. 186, l. 5 from bottom, for 'The surface-density on the elliptic plate' read The surface-density on either side of the elliptic plate.

p. 186, equation (30), for read .

p. 188, equation (38), for read .

p. 196, l. 27, for read .

p. 197, equation (10) should be .

p. 204, l. 15 from bottom, dele either.

p. 215, l. 4, for read .

p. 234, equation (13), for read .

p. 335, dele last 14 lines.

p. 336, l. 1, dele therefore.

p. 336, l. 2, for 'the potential at to exceed that at by ,' read a current, , from to .

p. 336, l. 4, for ' to will cause the potential at to exceed that at by the same quantity ,' read to will cause an equal current from to .

p. 351, l. 3, for read .

p. 351, l. 5, read .

p. 355, last line, for read .

p. 356, equation (12), for read .

p. 365, in equations (12), (15), (16), for read .

p. 366, equation (3), for read .

p. 367, l. 5, for read .

p. 368, equation (14), for read .

p. 397, l. 1, for read .

p. 404, at the end of Art. 350 insert as follows:—

When , the resistance to be measured, , the resistance of the battery, and , the resistance of the galvanometer, are given, the best values of the other resistances have been shewn by Mr. Oliver Heaviside (Phil. Mag., Feb. 1873) to be
