Notation of Electric Currents.
285.] At any point let an element of area be taken normal to the axis of , and let units of electricity pass across this area from the negative to the positive side in unit of time, then, if becomes ultimately equal to when is indefinitely diminished, is said to be the Component of the electric current in the direction of at the given point.
In the same way we may determine and , the components of the current in the directions of and respectively.
286.] To determine the component of the current in any other direction through the given point .

Let be the direction-cosines of , then cutting off from the axes of portions equal to
respectively at the triangle will be normal to
The area of this triangle will be
and by diminishing this area may be diminished without limit.
The quantity of electricity which leaves the tetrahedron by the triangle must be equal to that which enters it through the three triangles and
The area of the triangle is and the component of