Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/68

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multiplication of we find that consists of two parts, one scalar and the other vector.

The scalar part is

, see Theorem III,

and the vector part is


If the relation between and is that given by equation (1) of the last theorem, we may write

. See Theorem IV.

It appears therefore that the functions of which occur in the two theorems are both obtained by the operation on the vector whose components are . The theorems themselves may be written

, (III)


; (IV)

where is an element of a volume, of a surface, of a curve, and a unit-vector in the direction of the normal. To understand the meaning of these functions of a vector, let us suppose that is the value of at a point , and let us examine

Fig. 1

the value of in the neighbourhood of .

If we draw a closed surface round then, if the surface-integral of over this surface is directed inwards, will be positive, and the vector near the point will be on the whole directed towards , as in the figure (1).

I propose therefore to call the scalar part of the convergence of at the point .

To interpret the vector part of , let us suppose ourselves to be looking in the direction of the vector whose

Fig. 2

components are and let us examine the vector near the point . It will appear as in the figure (2), this vector being arranged on the whole tangentially in the direction opposite to the hands of a watch.

I propose (with great diffidence) to call the vector part of the curl, or the version of at the point .