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xiv | CONTENTS. |
Art. | Page |
580. Electromagnetic force | 208 |
581. Case of two circuits | 208 |
582. Theory of induced currents | 209 |
583. Mechanical action between the circuits | 210 |
584. All the phenomena of the mutual action of two circuits depend on a single quantity, the potential of the two circuits | 210 |
Chapter VIII.
Exploration of the Field by Means of the Secondary Circuit.
585. The electrokinetic momentum of the secondary circuit | 211 |
586. Expressed as a line-integral | 211 |
587. Any system of contiguous circuits is equivalent to the circuit formed by their exterior boundary | 212 |
588. Electrokinetic momentum expressed as a surface-integral | 212 |
589. A crooked portion of a circuit equivalent to a straight portion | 213 |
590. Electrokinetic momentum at a point expressed as a vector, | 214 |
591. Its relation to the magnetic induction, . Equations (A) | 214 |
592. Justification of these names | 215 |
593. Conventions with respect to the signs of translations and rotations | 216 |
594. Theory of a sliding piece | 217 |
595. Electromotive force due to the motion of a conductor | 218 |
596. Electromagnetic force on the sliding piece | 218 |
597. Four definitions of a line of magnetic induction | 219 |
598. General equations of electromotive force, (B) | 219 |
599. Analysis of the electromotive force | 222 |
600. The general equations referred to moving axes | 223 |
601. The motion of the axes changes nothing but the apparent value of the electric potential | 224 |
602. Electromagnetic force on a conductor | 224 |
603. Electromagnetic force on an element of a conducting body. Equations (C) | 226 |
Chapter IX.
General Equations..
604. Recapitulation | 227 |
605. Equations of magnetization, (D) | 228 |
606. Relation between magnetic force and electric currents | 229 |
607. Equations of electric currents, (E) | 230 |
608. Equations of electric displacement, (F) | 232 |