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Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 2.djvu/204

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positions of the two coils are in such cases said to be conjugate to each other.

Let and be two of these positions. If the coil be suddenly moved from the position to the position , the algebraical sum of the transient currents in the coil is exactly zero, so that the galvanometer needle is left at rest when the motion of is completed.

This is true in whatever way the coil is moved from to , and also whether the current in the primary coil be continued constant, or made to vary during the motion.

Again, let be any other position of not conjugate to , so that the making or breaking of contact in produces an induction current when is in the position .

Let the contact be made when is in the conjugate position , there will be no induction current. Move to , there will be an induction current due to the motion, but if is moved rapidly to , and the primary contact then broken, the induction current due to breaking contact will exactly annul the effect of that due to the motion, so that the galvanometer needle will be left at rest. Hence the current due to the motion from a conjugate position to any other position is equal and opposite to the current due to breaking contact in the latter position.

Since the effect of making contact is equal and opposite to that of breaking it, it follows that the effect of making contact when the coil is in any position is equal to that of bringing the coil from any conjugate position to while the current is flowing through .

If the change of the relative position of the coils is made by moving the primary circuit instead of the secondary, the result is found to be the same.

539.] It follows from these experiments that the total induction current in during the simultaneous motion of from to , and of from to , while the current in changes from to , depends only on the initial state , , , and the final state , , , and not at all on the nature of the intermediate states through which the system may pass.

Hence the value of the total induction current must be of the form


where is a function of , , and .

With respect to the form of this function, we know, by Art. 536, that when there is no motion, and therefore and ,