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Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 2.djvu/245

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not sensibly altered. This will evidently be the case if the dimensions of the portion of surface are small enough compared with its distance from the primary circuit.

If any closed curve be drawn on this portion of the surface, the value of p will be proportional to its area.

For the areas of any two circuits may be divided into small elements all of the same dimensions, and having the same value of p. The areas of the two circuits are as the numbers of these elements which they contain, and the values of p for the two circuits are also in the same proportion.

Hence, the value of p for the circuit which bounds any element dS of a surface is of the form IdS, where I is a quantity depending on the position of dS and on the direction of its normal. We have therefore a new expression for p,


where the double integral is extended over any surface bounded by the circuit.

589.] Let ABCD be a circuit, of which AC is an elementary portion, so small that it may be considered straight. Let APB and CQB be small equal areas in the same plane, then the value of p will be the same for the small circuits APB and CQB, or


or the value of p is not altered by the substitution of the crooked line APQC for the straight line AC, provided the area of the circuit is not sensibly altered. This, in fact, is the principle established by Ampère's second experiment (Art. 506), in which a crooked portion of a circuit is shewn to be equivalent to a straight portion provided no part of the crooked portion is at a sensible distance from the straight portion.

If therefore we substitute for the element ds three small elements, dx, dy, and dz, drawn in succession, so as to form a continuous path from the beginning to the end of the element ds, and if Fdx, Gdy, and Hdz denote the elements of the line-integral corresponding to dx, dy, and dz respectively, then
