620.] Every electromagnetic quantity may be defined with reference to the fundamental units of Length, Mass, and Time. If we begin with the definition of the unit of electricity, as given in Art. 65, we may obtain definitions of the units of every other electromagnetic quantity, in virtue of the equations into which they enter along with quantities of electricity. The system of units thus obtained is called the Electrostatic System.
If, on the other hand, we begin with the definition of the unit magnetic pole, as given in Art. 374, we obtain a different system of units of the same set of quantities. This system of units is not consistent with the former system, and is called the Electromagnetic System.
We shall begin by stating those relations between the different units which are common to both systems, and we shall then form a table of the dimensions of the units according to each system.
621.] We shall arrange the primary quantities which we have to consider in pairs. In the first three pairs, the product of the two quantities in each pair is a quantity of energy or work. In the second three pairs, the product of each pair is a quantity of energy referred to unit of volume.
First Three Pairs.
Electrostatic Pair.
Symbol. | |
(1) Quantity of electricity | e |
(2) Line-integral of electromotive force, or electric potential | E |