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Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 2.djvu/377

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In this way the deflexion may be calculated without waiting for the magnet to come to rest in its position of equilibrium.

To make a Series of Observations.

746.] The best way of making a considerable number of measures of a constant current is by observing three elongations while the current is in the positive direction, then breaking contact for about the time of a single vibration, so as to let the magnet swing into the position of negative deflexion, then reversing the current and observing three successive elongations on the negative side, then breaking contact for the time of a single vibration and repeating the observations on the positive side, and so on till a sufficient number of observations have been obtained. In this way the errors which may arise from a change in the direction of the earth's magnetic force during the time of observation are eliminated. The operator, by carefully timing the making and breaking of contact, can easily regulate the extent of the vibrations, so as to make them sufficiently small without being indistinct. The motion of the magnet is graphically represented in Fig. 59, where the abscissa represents the time, and the ordinate the deflexion of the magnet. If be the observed elongations, the deflexion is given by the equation


Fig. 59.

Method of Multiplication.

747.] In certain cases, in which the deflexion of the galvanometer magnet is very small, it may be advisable to increase the visible effect by reversing the current at proper intervals, so as to set up a swinging motion of the magnet. For this purpose, after ascertaining the time, , of a single vibration of the magnet, the current is sent in the positive direction for a time , then in the reversed direction for an equal time, and so on. When the motion of the magnet has become visible, we may make the reversal of the current at the observed times of greatest elongation.

Let the magnet be at the positive elongation , and let the current be sent through the coil in the negative direction. The