Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 2.djvu/425

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795.] If , , are the direction-cosines of the normal to the wave-front, and the velocity of the wave, and if


and if we write , , , for the second differential coefficients of , , , respectively with respect to , and put


where , , are the three principal velocities of propagation, the equations become


796.] If we write


we obtain from these equations


Hence, either , in which case the wave is not propagated at all; or, , which leads to the equation for given by Fresnel; or the quantities within brackets vanish, in which case the vector whose components are , , is normal to the wave-front and proportional to the electric volume-density. Since the medium is a non-conductor, the electric density at any given point is constant, and therefore the disturbance indicated by these equations is not periodic, and cannot constitute a wave. We may therefore consider in the investigation of the wave.