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Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/35

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given within an hour before or after meals.

We have learned that many of the drugs administered when certain planets and signs rise have little or no effect, and are often vomited up immediately after taken. Should you doubt this, give a patient Chamomilla when Jupiter is exactly on the ascendant, and also try it when Sagittarius ascends, or Jupiter in aspect to the ascendant. Simmonite says, medicine given when the ruler of the ascendant is retrograding will be vomited up again by the patient, we have not yet proved or or disproved this theory; but would prefer to administer all drugs when the signs ruling them, or the ruler of such sign is rising or in good aspect to the ascendant, or in other words, give drugs ruled by positive signs and planets when such planets and signs are rising, and negative drugs under negative planets and signs: as homeopathic drugs work through sympathy and not by antipathy.

Many astrologers believe in the ancient theory that each hour of the day is ruled by one of the planets, independent of the rising sign, the hour beginning with sunrise. In this manner the Sun is supposed