Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/53

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Nux vom.—Bitter taste; aversion to food, coffee, and tabacco; craves brandy.

Pulsatilla.—Putrid, bitter taste; aversion to fat food, meat, bread, or milk; loss of appetite from abuse of tobacco.


China.—When troubled with worms; ravenous appetite; hungry soon after meals.

Silicea.—Patient feels hungry but cannot eat when they try; constipation.

Staph.—Ravenous hunger after eating, and when the stomach is full; desire for tobacco, wine, etc.

See under dispepsia also.


Antim. crud.—If caused from overloading the stomach; tongue coated white.

Arnica.—After injuries; eructations tasting like rotten eggs: vomiting after eating.

Bryonia.—In hot weather; from drinking cold water when overheated; smell of food is intolerable.

Calc. carb.—Weight in the stomach; cannot bear anything tight around the waist; everything tastes sour.

Carbo veg.—All food disagrees; sour belching, and burning in the stomach.

Cham.—Bloatedness in the morning; ach-