Antidotes,—Arsenic, Belladonna.
Disposition to sadness; beating headache over the eyes; malignant diphtheria; tight clothing is unbearable; suitable for women at the change of life; gangrenous ulcers, having a bluish appearance; carbuncles surrounded by boils and purple spots; left side mostly affected; symptoms all worse after sleep. Bad effects from Mercury and China.
Duration of action, 40 to 50 days.
Antidotes,—Camphor, Pulsatilla, Coffee.
Excessive hunger; desire for sweets; aversion to bread; the abdomen becomes bloated after eating ever so little; constant rumbling in the abdomen; drowsiness during the day but cannot sleep at night. Ailments always worse about 4 P. M; on lying down, after eating, from pressure of clothing. Better from getting cold; conuing to exercise; from eructation.
Antidote,—Hepar sulphur.
Adapted to affections of the glandular sytem; affections of the mucous membrane and sexual system; the parts are swolen, with a raw sore feeling; prespiration ac-