Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/7

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  1. Introduction.6
  2. Ruler of health.9
  3. Cause of disease.12
  4. Diseases of the planets and signs.15
  5. Judgment on disease.21
  6. Drugs ruled by planets and signs.27
  7. When to give medicine.32
  8. Diseases and their treatment.36
  9. Emotions.37
  10. Grief.37
  11. Anger.38
  12. Vertigo.38
  13. Headache.39
  14. Sunstroke.41
  15. Toothache.42
  16. Styes.43
  17. Earache.43
  18. Colds.44
  19. Cough.45
  20. Croup.47
  21. Asthma.47
  22. Sore throat.48
  23. Palpitation.50
  24. MorbidLoss of appetite.50
  25. Morbid appetite.51
  26. Dyspepsia.51
  27. Heartburn.52
  28. Colic.53
  29. Jaundice.53
  30. Diarrhoea.53
  31. Constipation.54
  32. Rheumatism.55
  33. Sciatica.56
  34. Gout.56
  35. Lumbago.56
  36. Action of drugs.57