( 42 )
Sect. III.
Of the Method of Cure.
N the most favourable Sort of the Distinct Small-Pox, which are few in Number and mild in Quality, Nature her self, as I have before observed, is able to cure the Distemper, and needs not call the Physician in Aid; as on the other Hand the most Malignant Confluent Kind will hear no Reason, but puts all Methods and Medicines out of Countenance; and in these deplorable Instances the Physician will shew his Judgment and Honesty by declaring that the Case is above the Reach of Skill and Remedies, and inconsistent with Hopes of Recovery, which is more fair and honourable than for the securing of his Reputation and keeping up an Opinion of his Skill and judgment, to act a double Part by telling the Patient, and a few Friends within Doors, that he will certainly live, and all without Doors, that he will certainly die. It is then in the intermediate Degrees that the Doctor’s Province lyes, and in those dubious, and sometimes very difficult Cases, by a skilful and judicious Conduct, he may be very beneficial to Mankind, whilst many Times he relieves the Patient by a proper and skilful Method, who would have perished, if left alone to un-