signs of the Persons concerned, are not taken into the Account. These Wars, I mean those called the Punic Wars, cou'd not have stood the human Race in less than five Millions of the Species. And yet this forms but a Part only, and a very small Part, of the Havock caused by the Roman Ambition. The Mithridatick War was very little less bloody; that Prince cut off at one Stroke 150,000 Romans by a Massacre. In that War Sylla destroyed 300,000 Men at Cheronea. The same Commander defeated Mithridates' Army under Dorilaus, and slew 300,000. The same Prince lost another 300,000 before Cyzicum. In the course of the War he had innumerable other Losses; and having many Intervals of Success, he revenged them severely. He was at last totally overthrown; and he crushed to Pieces the King of Armenia his Ally by the greatness of his Ruin. All who had Connexions with him shared the same Fate. The merciless Genius of Sylla had it'sfull