Boys, who were confabulating over a glass of wine. A few minutes later the architects got into their carriage.
At the moment when the groom let go the horse's head, Leonor turned round. Rose realized that the gesture was meant for her; she slightly shrugged her shoulders.
"I am going to do a little painting," said M. Des Boys.
"I caught sight of an interesting beetle at the top of the garden," said M. Hervart.
"I'm going up to my room," said Rose.
Five minutes later the two lovers had met again near the bench on which M. Hervart had meditated in vain.
Without saying a word, Rose let herself fall into her lover's arms. Her drooping head revealed her neck, and M. Hervart kissed it with more passion than usual. His mouth pushed aside the collar of her dress, seeking her shoulder.
"Let us sit down," she said at last, when she had had her fill of her lover's mild carresses. And taking his head between her hands, she in her turn covered him with kisses, but mostly on the eyes and on the forehead. Desiring a