him that she imparted M. Hervart's news.
"He is ill, he has had a touch of fever ...."
"Fever?" exclaimed M. Des Boys.
"Yes, and afterwards he's been feeling very weak after it."
"Very weak, yes. What then?"
"What then, why our marriage has to be postponed..."
"Of course."
"I'm very anxious."
"So I should imagine."
"Why shouldn't we go and see him?"
"Do you think it would be any use?"
"It would give him such pleasure."
"Does he ask you to do it?"
"Well, then."
"He doesn't dare ask."
"Is he as shy as all that?"
This innocent question made her blush.
"I'll speak of it with your mother," M. Des Boys continued. "Meanwhile, let's get on a little with our architecture."
Rose had been so bored since Xavier's departure, she had been so miserable at his long