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ing of trees in, 154; status of missionaries in, 158, 159; fruit and vegetables in, 206; and Mongolia, meet at Kalgan, 235; hold of, on North Mongolia, insecure, 285; is she in decay? 317, 318; impression produced by, 318, 319; her future, 321. And see Chinese and Chinese Government.

China, West. See West China.
China Inland Mission, 126, 216.
Chinese, the, characteristics of, 42, 43; their footwear, 44; of Yunnan and Szechuan, physical characteristics of, 51; dote on children, 56; climatic susceptibilities of, 58; and their dead, 87, 88; spend freely for food, 108; how sacred places are used by, 113; their lack of nerves, how illustrated, 120; in Tachienlu, 124, 131; military achievements of, 125, 126; good manners of, 129; their feeling toward the camera, 156, 157; ordinarily peaceable, 176; their fondness for theatrical performances, 185; friendly relations of Europeans and, in Chung-king, 209; their dramatic ways, 230; their interference in Mongolia, 253; unwelcome aliens there, 276; how like they are to us! 309 ff.; their self-reliance, 314; found all over the East, 314; slight outward variations in, in different parts of the Empire, 316; a vast majority of, have a common tongue, 317. And see Coolies.
Chinese city, the, in Peking, 230.
Chinese funeral, a, 142.
Chinese Government, projects of railways in Yunnan, 29; said to encourage lamaism in Mongolia, 282.
Chinese inns. See Inns.
Chinese laborers, on the Red River R.R., 15.
Chinese mob, the 176.
Chinese revolution. See Revolution.
Chinese temples. See Temples, Chinese.
Chinese women. See Women, Chinese.
Ch'ing Ch'i, 105.
Chit (letter of recommendation), the, 211, 212.
"Chou," meaning of, in placenames, 31n.
Christians, Chinese, in Hui-li-chou, 70; superiority of, to their fellows, 128, 129.
"Chuman" pagodas, of Szechuan, 204.
Chu-ma-tien, 224.
Ch'un, Prince, Regent, 231.
Chung-king, the Chicago of West China, 207-213; a treaty port, 208; no limit to its development, 208; missionaries in, 208; foreign community in, 208, 209; friendliness of Europeans and Chinese in, 209; rivalry between Chengtu and, 209; Merchant class of, 209, 210; cosmopolitan club at, 210, 211.
Cigarettes, 67, 183.
Cloud Mountains, the, 64, 65.
Cloudy Sun, City of the, 214.
Coffins, Chinese, 93, 94.
Colborne Baber. See Baber.
Colonial expansion, sought by Doumer, 9.
Confucius, 317.
Constitution of the U.S., lecture