Siberian Railway, 236, 306, 307.
Soap, in Mongolia, 261, 262.
Soothill, Dr., 159.
"Squeeze," the, 96, 97.
Standard Oil tins, use of, in Mongolia, 250.
Stevenson, Owen, missionary, 33, 41, 53.
Süchi, 184.
Sugar, a great delicacy in Mongolia, 301.
Suifu, 64, 75, 203, 206.
Sung-lin, inn at, 87.
Szechuan dogs, and the sun, 64.
Szechuan money, 37.
Szechuan road, the, 217, 218.
Ta Ho, 235.
Ta Fo Rapid, 181.
Ta Liang Shan (Lololand), 74, 75, 92.
Ta Shueh Shan, 117.
Chinese administration, 124; its only bridge, 116, 117, 139; its change of name, 118, 119; 42, 89, 99, 101, 143, 161, 180, 181, 182, 184; valley of, 114,
115, 144, in, 123; in the grip of lamaism, 124; principality of King of Chala, 125; government of, 125; key to the western country, 125; meeting Capt. Bailey at, 126 ff; postal arrangements at, 128; the people the most interesting feature of, 130, 131; practically all China-Tibet traffic passes through, I32, 133; visit to a temple at, 136-138; priests of, 138; 105,
106, 110, 119, 141, 160,248.Tailless dog, hunt for the, 205.
Taiping rebellion, the, 89, 99.
Ta-kiang, the Min sometimes so-called, 203.
Taoism, 317.
Tar Ho, 123.
Tarantass, travelling in a, 289-304.
123, 141, 142; valley of, 119,
120, 121.Tartar City, the, in Peking, 230.
Tartar Wall, the, at Peking, 229 ff.
Tashi Lama, the, 277.