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Page:A Wayfarer in China.djvu/409

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Kalgan to, 245, 246; arrival at, 301-303.

Siberian Railway, 236, 306, 307.

Sikiang, the, river steamer, from Hong Kong to Haiphong on, 5-11
Sinden-fu, Marco Polo's name for Chengtu, 171.
Singapore, Chinese Consul-General at, his mourning, 88.
Six-Power Loan of 1908, proved the undoing of the Manchus, 226.

Soap, in Mongolia, 261, 262.

Soothill, Dr., 159.

"Squeeze," the, 96, 97.

Standard Oil Co., and the white-wax industry, 73; 85.

Standard Oil tins, use of, in Mongolia, 250.

Stevenson, Owen, missionary, 33, 41, 53.

Süchi, 184.

Sugar, a great delicacy in Mongolia, 301.

Suifu, 64, 75, 203, 206.

Sung-lin, inn at, 87.

Szechuan province, natives of , 51; travelling in, 63 ff.; the Cloud Mountains, 64; private school in, 67, 68; condition of people in, 68; western boundary of, 124; beginning of its later history, 171, 172; viceroy of, 172; Railway League of, and the revolution, 177; "chuman" pagodas of, 204; the river the sole highway to, 219; future of, 219, 220; 5, 26, 37, 39, 55.

Szechuan dogs, and the sun, 64.

Szechuan money, 37.

Szechuan road, the, 217, 218.

Ta Ho, 235.

Ta Fo Rapid, 181.

Ta Huren, the Mongol city of Urga, 277, 286-288; alien elements in, 287, 288; 291.

Ta Liang Shan (Lololand), 74, 75, 92.

Ta Shueh Shan, 117.

Ta Tu Ho, the limit of direct

Chinese administration, 124; its only bridge, 116, 117, 139; its change of name, 118, 119; 42, 89, 99, 101, 143, 161, 180, 181, 182, 184; valley of, 114,

115, 144, 145.
Tachienlu, sui generis, 123; situation of, 123; China and Tibet

meet in, 123; in the grip of lamaism, 124; principality of King of Chala, 125; government of, 125; key to the western country, 125; meeting Capt. Bailey at, 126 ff; postal arrangements at, 128; the people the most interesting feature of, 130, 131; practically all China-Tibet traffic passes through, I32, 133; visit to a temple at, 136-138; priests of, 138; 105,

106, 110, 119, 141, 160,248.

Tailless dog, hunt for the, 205.

Taiping rebellion, the, 89, 99.

Ta-kiang, the Min sometimes so-called, 203.

Taoism, 317.

Tar Ho, 123.

Tarantass, travelling in a, 289-304.

Tarchendo River, 118, 119, 120,

123, 141, 142; valley of, 119,

120, 121.

Tartar City, the, in Peking, 230.

Tartar Wall, the, at Peking, 229 ff.

Tashi Lama, the, 277.

Ta-shu-p'u, unique instance of