Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/13

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I The Flight of the Wild Goose 1
II Eric Hedon 21
III The Bargain Margaret Made 41
IV The Ship Chartered 53
V Cape Farewell 58
VI Quarters for the Arctic 71
VII "Nothing's the Matter" 80
VIII Off Mason Land 91
IX The Cross Above the Cabin 95
X The Record in the Cabin 109
XI The Signal to the Ship 120
XII "Mutiny" 132
XIII Winter Quarters 148
XIV The Burning of the Viborg 164
XV Margaret Explains for Price 174
XVI The Stone House of the Spirits 185
XVII "We Shot a Man" 200
XVIII "You Found His Cairn" 229
XIX Succour from the Stone Age 244
XX Can I Starve Like a Savage? 259
XXI Latham's Answer 272
XXII "Nothing Unless Good" 286