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Complete in 36 Parts, 2*. each, forming 4 handsome Volumes, super-royal 8vo.


CIVIL and MILITARY, RELIGIOUS, INTELLECTUAL, and SOCIAL : from the Earliest Period to t Suppression of the Sepoy Revolt. By CHARLES MACFARLANE and the Rev. THOMAS THOMSON. Illustrat by above Eleven Hundred Engravings on "Wood and Steel Views, Costumes, Portraits, Maps, Plans, &c., &

"We regard this publication as by far the most beautiful, cheap, and really 'comprehensive' history of the nation which

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CIVIL, MILITARY, and SOCIAL, from the first landing of the English, to the suppression of the Sep* Revolt, including an Outline of the Early History of Hiadoostan. By HENRY BEVERIDGE, Esq., Advocat Illustrated by above Five Hundred Engravings on Wood and Steel.

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