in the United States to popularize Evolution
and the doctrine of the correlation and
conservation of forces (The Correlation and
Conservation of Forces, 1864). Youmans
was a thorough Spencerian, and did most
valuable work in securing the publication
of Spencer s books in America (see Duncan s
Life and Letters of H. Spencer, 1908). He
secured copyright for other English writers,
and in 1871 he planned the " International
Science Series " for simultaneous publica
tion in six countries. In 1872 he founded
the Popular Science Monthly, which he
edited until he died. An indefatigable
workerand comprehensive idealist, Youmans
literally wore out his life in altruistic
endeavour. His works include Alcoholism
and the Constitution of Man (1853), A
Handbook of Household Science (1857), and
The Culture Demanded by Modern Life
(1868). D. Jan. 18, 1887.
YOUMANS, William Jay, M.D., brother of preceding, American editor. B. Oct. 14, 1838. Ed. Yale and New York Univer sities. He worked on his father s farm until he was sixteen years old. He then studied chemistry under his brother and at Yale, and graduated in medicine at New York. He proceeded to London, and studied under Professor Huxley, for whom he had throughout life the highest regard. After practising medicine for three years in Minnesota, he joined his brother in editing the Popular Science Monthly, and at the death of his brother in 1887 he became sole editor. He often contributed to it, as well as to other magazines and to Appleton s Annual Cyclopedia. Youmans edited the American edition of Huxley s Lessons in Elementary Physiology (1867). He belonged to a number of learned societies. D. 1901.
YOUNGHUSBAND, Sir Francis Edward, K.C.S.L, K.C.I.E., C.I.E., LL.D., D.Sc., soldier, administrator, and writer. B. May 31, 1863. Ed. Clifton and Sand hurst. He joined the First Dragoon Guards in 1882, and became Captain eight years later. In 1890 he was transferred to the 911
Indian Political Department, and discharged
various Government missions and exploring
expeditions in Asia. In 1892 he was
appointed Political Officer at Hunza, and
in 1893 Political Agent at Chitral. He
served in the Transvaal and Ehodesia in
1896-97 ; and he was Political Agent at
Haraoti in 1898, Eesident at Indore in
1902-1903, British Commissioner to Tibet
1902-1904, and Eesident at Kashmir from
1906 to 1909. He was created Commander
of the Order of the Indian Empire in 1891,
and received the Kaiser-i-Hind medal in
1901. In 1904 he became Knight Com
mander of the Indian Empire, and in 1917
Knight Commander of the Star of India.
Sir Francis was Eede Lecturer at Cambridge
in 1905, and President of the Eoyal Geo
graphical Society in 1919. He holds
honorary degrees from Edinburgh, Cam
bridge, and Bristol Universities, and has
written The Eelief of Chitral (1895), The
Heart of a Continent (1896), South Africa
of To-day (1898), Kashmir (1909), and
other works. His Eationalist views are
stated in an article in the Hibbert Journal
(Oct., 1913) on " Some Laymen s Needs,"
his Mutual Influence (1915), and View of
Religion (1916). He dissents entirely from
the creeds, and, although he advocates the
continuance of public prayer and worship,
the only Power " he recognizes (which he
occasionally calls " the Universal Spirit "
or " God ") is not " any separate Personal
Being wholly outside men," but " what
results from the Mutual Influence of all
men and of all the component parts of the
universe " (Mutual Influence, p. 122).
ZANARDELLI, Giuseppe, Italian jurist and statesman. B. Oct. 29, 1826. Zanar- delli took an active part in the revolt against the Papacy in 1848. At its failure he retired to Brescia to teach law, but the Austrian authorities suppressed his lectures. He was elected to the Italian Parliament in 1859, and sat among the members of the Left. In 1876 he became Minister of Public Works, in 1878 Minister of the Interior, and in 1881 Minister of Justice. 912