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in the Science of General History, 2 vols., 1887-89 ; and Evolution in History, Lan guage, and Science, 1885). He was a member of the Council of the Royal Historical Society. Dr. Zerffi was one of the most devoted supporters and most outspoken lecturers of the London Sunday Lecture Society in the days when it gave occasional Eationalist lectures. His published lectures (Natural Phenomena and their Influence on Different Religious Systems, 1873 ; Dogma and Science, 1876 ; The Spontaneous Dissolution of Ancient Creeds, 1876 ; etc.) are Agnostic and strongly worded. D. Jan. 28, 1892.

ZIEGLER, Professor Heinrich Ernst,

Ph.D., German embryologist. B. July 15, 1858. Ed. Freiburg Gymnasium, and Lausanne and Freiburg Universities. In 1882 he was appointed assistant at the Strassburg Zoological Institute. Five years later he became teacher and assistant in the Freiburg Zoological Institute, and in 1890 he was chosen professor at Freiburg University. He passed to Jena in 1898, and to the Technical High School at Stuttgart in 1909. Ziegler edited the Zoologisches Worterbuch (1907-1908), and has written a number of valuable works on embryology, chiefly his Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entivickelungsgeschichte der niederen Wirbelthiere (1902) and Die Verer- bungslehre in der Biologic (1905). He is a member of the Society of Animal Psycho logy and one of the founders of the German Monist Association.

ZIEGLER, Professor Theobald, Ph.D.,

German educationist. B. Feb. 9, 1846. Ed. Herrenberg Latin School, Schonthal Theological Seminary, and Tubingen Uni versity. Ziegler taught in the Schonthal Seminary for some time ; but he quitted the clerical world, and for some years was a teacher in provincial colleges. In 1886 he was appointed professor of paedagogy at Strassburg University, and in 1899-1900 he was Rector thereof. Apart from his educational works (Lehrbuch der Logik, 915

1881 ; Geschichte der Ethik, 2 vols., 1881-86; etc.), he has written Religion und Religionen (1893), Glauben und Wissen (1900), and David Friedrich Strauss (2 vols., 1908), in which his Rationalism finds expression. Professor Ziegler was commissioned to complete Bielschovsky s famous Life of Goethe.

ZIEHEN, Professor Georg Theodor,

M.D., Ph.D., German pathologist. B. Nov. 12, 1862. Ed. Frankfort Gym nasium, and Wiirtzburg and Berlin Uni versities. He was appointed assistant to Kahlbaum at the Hospital for Nervous Diseases at Gorlitz. From 1886 to 1896 he was an assistant at the Jena Psychiatric Clinic, and in 1892 he became professor at Jena University. In 1900 he passed to the Utrecht Psychiatric Clinic, in 1903 to Halle University, and in 1904 to Berlin as professor of psychic and nervous diseases and Director of the Clinic for those diseases. Professor Ziehen is a high authority on the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system, and is editor of the Zeitschrift fur Psychologie und Physiologic der Sinne. He keeps psychology on the lines of physiology, and is classed by Villa in his Contemporary Psychology as " Materialistic " (p. 240). See his Gedachtniss (1908) and Uber die allgemeine Beziehungen zicischen Gehirn und Seelenleben (3 vols., 1912).

ZIMMERN, Helen, writer. B. (Ham burg) Mar. 26, 1846. Miss Zimmern was brought to England by her parents in 1850. She was naturalized in England, and lived there until 1887, when she settled in Italy. She is a member of the Roman Association of the Press and foreign correspondent of several English, American, and German papers, and corre spondent of the Corriere delta Sera. She has written studies of Schopenhauer (Schopenhauer : His Life and Philosophy, 1876), Lessing (G. E. Lessing : His Life and Works, 1878), Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Sir L. Alma Tadema, and other literary