he died an uncompromising Eepublican
and Eationalist. Magalhaes Lima quotes
some of Zorrilla s anti-Catholic sentiments
in his Federation Ibdrique. He was an
Agnostic, and he took a lively interest in
the International Freethought Congress at
Madrid in 1892. D. June 13, 1895.
ZUEBLIN, Professor Charles, Ph.B., D.B., American sociologist. B. May 4, 1866. Ed. Pennsylvania, North Western, Yale, and Leipzig Universities. In 1891 Zueblin founded the North Western Univer sity Settlement, and in the following year he was appointed secretary of the Chicago Society for University Extension. He became in the same year instructor in sociology at Chicago University. From 1896 to 1902 he was associate professor, and from 1902 to 1908 professor. He
edited the Twentieth Century Magazine in
1911-12, and has contributed to the Inter
national Journal of Ethics and other
periodicals. His Eationalism is given in
his Religion of a Democrat (1908). He
was President of the American League for
Civic Improvement in 1901-1902, and is a
member of the National Municipalities
League and other reform bodies.
ZUPPETTA, Professor Luigi, Italian jurist. B. June 21, 1810. Ed. Naples University. Zuppetta took an active part in the rebellion of 1848, when the Catholics and Eoyalists were beaten at Naples. He was driven into exile at the failure of the Eevolution, but returned after the triumph of Garibaldi in 1860. He was later appointed professor of penal law at Pavia University.