Page:A book of folk-lore (1913).djvu/143

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showing how that to this day belief exists in the dead being in a condition of suspended animation in their graves. It is recorded by the late Mr. Elworthy. ‘No longer ago than July 1901, I met Farmer ——, who lives on a farm belonging to me in Devonshire. After the usual salutations, the following conversation occurred:—

Farmer: “I s’pose you’ve a-yeard th’ old ’umman —— is dead to last.”

F. T. E.: “No, I had not heard of it. Where did she die? Not in this parish, I hope. She was here living not very long ago.”

Farmer: “Oh, no; her wid’n bide here. Her zaid how they was trying to pwoisen her, so her made ’em take her home, and they drawed her home in a carriage. Her was that wicked, her died awful. Her died cussin’ and dam’in—wi’ the words in her mouth.”

F. T. E.: “Poor thing! I suppose she was mad. When did she die?”

Farmer: “Her died last Monday, and her’s going to be buried t’ arternoon to Culmstock.”

F. T. E.: “It’s a good thing for us she is not going to be buried here, for she’s sure to be troublesome wherever she lies.”

Farmer: “Oh, no, her ’ont, sir. You knows Joe, don’t ’ee, sir? Well, I seed Joe this morning, and he’s gwain to help car’ her;