Page:A book of folk-lore (1913).djvu/263

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Lang, A. Custom and Myth. 1884.
Mannhardt, W. Germanische Mythen. 1858.
Mannhardt, W. Die Göttez d. Deutschen u. Nord. Völkes. 1860.
Mannhardt, W. Wald u. Feld Kulte. 2 vols. 1875–1877.
Nork, F. Mythologie d. Volks Sagen. 1848.
Nork, F. Sitten u. Geträuche. 1849.
Tyler, E. B. Primitive Culture. 2 Vols. 3rd Ed. 1891.
Thorpe, B. Mythology and Popular Traditions. 3 Vols., 1851.


Brinton, D. G. Myths of the New World. 1868. New Ed., 1896.
Derman, R. M. Origin of Primitive Superstitions. 1881.
Muller, J. G. Geschichte d. Am. religion. 1855.


Brand, J. Observations on Popular Antiquities. 1813. 3 Vols. Various Editions.
Bray, A. E. The Tamar and the Tavy: Traditions, etc., of Devon. 3 Vols. 1838. In 2 vols., New Ed., 1879.
Hardwick, C. Traditions, etc., of Lancashire, etc. 1872.
Harland, J., and Wilkinson, T. T. Lancashire Folk-lore. 1867.
Henderson, W. Folk-lore of the Northern Counties. 2nd Edition. 1879.
Hunt, R. Popular Romances of the West of England. 2 Series. 1865, 1881.
Jackson, G. F. Shropshire Folk-lore. 1883.
Moore, A. W. Folk-lore of the Isle of Man. 1891.
Parkinson, T. Yorkshire Legends, etc. 2 Series. 1888–1889.
Roby, J. Popular Traditions of England and Lancashire. 3 Vols. 1841.
Thiselton-Dyer, English Folk-lore. 1878.


County Folk-lore. Vol. 8. 1903.
Cunningham, A. Traditional Tales. 1874.
Douglas, G. Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales. 1893.