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Page:A book of nursery songs and rhymes (1895).pdf/53

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Said Water to Wine, So useful I be,
No kitchen can do for a day without me.
For all the week round I am toiling,
I am washing, I'm baking, and boiling,
I am washing, I'm baking, and boiling.


All in a wood there grew a fine tree,
The finest tree that ever you did see,
And the green grass grew around, around, around,
And the green grass grew around.

And on this tree there grew a fine bough,
The finest bough that ever you did see,
And the bough on the tree, and the tree in the wood,
And the green leaves flourished thereon, thereon, thereon,
And the green leaves flourished thereon.

And on this bough there grew a fine twig,
The finest twig that ever you did see,
And the twig on the bough, and the bough on the tree, and the tree in the wood,
And the green leaves flourished thereon, etc.