Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/155

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285 YENKATA-EAMA-SVAMI- -YENKATA-EANGACHAEYULU 286 [Sankhyartlia-iiruiia-prakasika. A repertory of the synouyms used to denote numbers in chrono- grams, with explanations. Edited by Eama- svamayya.] pp.208, ncr^ V [il/«,/r«,'?, ISOk] 8°. 14174. n. 31. VENKATA-RAMA-SVAMI, lulvali. See Sarasvati Bai. Pakasastra . . . Translated [into English] by C. V. Ramasawmy, Pundit. 1836. 8°. 14174. e. 12. Moolikasankalitum; or Mingling of Herbs ; a work on medicine traslated [sic] from Teloogoo iuto English, having the names of the various medicines in Tamul, by Cavelly Venkata Rama- sawmy Bralibiu [.s/c]. [Purporting to be founded on a Sanskrit work of Dhauvantari.] ]ip. ii. 90. Madras, 1835. 8°. 14170. i. 31. VENKATA-RAMAYYA, Khii Ananta-rdmaya-pu" . ^^ . . . (i'SJS'e^^s-fflS'ew. [Nava-ratna-zavilllu. A series of lyrics to the god Krishna as worshipped in Gobburu.] pp.38. (_^sS5aS^='S^ [AnalcapaUi, 1905.] 12°. 14174. a, 17.(2.) VENKATA-RAMAYYA, Salld Kdma-lcavi-pu" . -^^l- feaScscssbsix). [Parvati-parinayamu. A poetical composition in 4 cantos, in verse and prose, on the legend of the nuptials of Siva and Parvati and the birth of Kuniara.] pp. 3, 140, iv. ii. -w-%-^& [Cocanada,] 1906. 12°. 14174. i. 25. VENKATA-RAMAYYA, 8. N., of Madras College of Engineerivij. The First Book of Telugn as commonly spoken and written. (Part ii. Pancha- tantra. The Fourth Tantra [in Telugu and English].) pp. ii. iii. 124. Madras, 1900. 8°. 14174. n. 42. VENKATA-RAMAYYA, Tariguturi Tippaya-pu°. ^K*(^Sba30«bo 'SoS'^'S'gJJ ^p'TS?:'^. (^sSr-^^^T^^ Tr's&7r°5& ^&^sSx>. [Gonamadugula Venkatesvara- sisa-satakamu. A century of lyrical verses in sJsa, and other metres addressed to Vishnu as wor- shipped at Gonamadugu. Followed by Manasa- bodha Rama-nama-satakamu, a century of lyrical verses with occasional prose addressed to Rama.] pp. 66. '^^^'^^^^ [Madras,'] 1909. 8°. 14174. b. 29.(4.) VENKATA-RAMAYYA, Yenamandrani. ^xf^?n-^ssi- -xSo^&j^ . [Purana-uama-chandrika. A dictionary of the names of gods, mortals, towns, rivers, etc., found in tlie Puranus, poetiy, and other literature.] pp. 2, iii. 237, 3 ; 5 plates. ^fJ-^li [Madras,'] 1879. S 14174. n. 19. VENKATA-RAMAYYA, Zanamanchi Brahnuwa- d/i(hu-jiu°. See Bhava-bhuti. Malati madhavam . . . A . . . translation . . . by .Janamanchi Ven- katnramiah. 1903. 8°. 14174. h. 26.(12.) VENKATA-RAMTjpU, Gautama. i^ol£-^c!£-^¥?S. S'sSm.) [Nanda-nandana- satakamu. 110 slsa ver.-^es in praise of the god Krishna.] pp. 24. [Madras ? 1864 ?] 8°. 14174. k. 9.(7.) Without title-page. VENKATA-RAMULU, Idipudl. See Venkata- CHAEYULU, V.V. (^ • • • ^^5&)t§y£rsSDE-;&-a'E9 -S>x [Visvakarma-puranainbu. Edited by V.] [1889.] 8°. 14174. b. 14. VENKATA-RANGACHARYTJLU, Srlnmlsach ,lrya- im°.,Tara-vastu. See Daksha. ^S>.^^^- [Daksha- smriti. Edited with Telugu translation by Veii- kata-rangacharyulu.] 1875. 16°. 14038. a. 1. See Maha - ehaeata. — Modern Versions. [Sdnti-pa7-va.] (^ • • • 's>^&.^^^^- [Moksha- dharma. Edited by V.] 1887, etc. 8°. 14065. bbb. 8. ' See Seinivasachaetdlu, P. 73 «■£«'» 73-gyj-^^- 15-§4S-f§csbS . . . p^v-gjg -g^ll [Sarva-sabda-sam- bodhiui. Finished by Venkata-rangacharyulu and Ramanujacharyulu.] 1875. 4°. 14092. c. 14. See Upanishads. The Telugu Upauishads . . . [Translated] by . . . Venkata Rauganatha- charya, etc. 1899, 1902. 8°. 14007. b. 11.(1.) o o o e£S■«r°^f;3o^A^55-.sSw (A brief History of the Incarnations.) [Avatara-sangrahamu. A tract on the theory of incarnation. With English translation by V. Rama-murti Sastri.] pp. 20. Vizagapatam, 1891. 16°. 14174. a. 12.(2.) A brief History of the Incarnations, an English translation — by . . . Yepa Ramamurti Sastrulu Garu, B.A. — of the Avatarasangraha written in Telugu by . . . Venkata Rangacharyulu. pp. 9. Vizagapatam, 1891. 16°. 14174. a. 13. (4 psr>>?3e)^c3S5io. [Srinivasa-lakshaiiamu. A manual of prosody, in verse and prose.] pp. 44. S^4D53fer3.^ n<rZo [Vizagapatam, 1870.] 16°. 14174. e. 2.