Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/172

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319 YALLA- -YOGA-VASISHTHA-RAMAYANA 320 YALLA DASU. ^^ ■ ■ ■ s^-cfr'oiS-a'sJT'cjira.^^cSa csim&^s^o&sSx). [Yuddha-kandamu. A section of the Kusakonda-rama3'anamu, a version of the epic Eamayana in i/alcslia-gana form.] pp. 120. ifadras, 1899. 8°. 14174. k. 27.(1.) YALLAJI, Tahtmudi YuUu-hhaftu-im°. i^ ■ • • '^P'&s^ii'^'^h^^iia. [Yallajlya. A Sanskrit manual of the funeral rites and lustrations, especially for brahmans of the Apastambi family. Edited with Telugu translation by Kori Guru-linga Sastri.] pp. v'l. 437. "^^a." f~i^-^o {Madras, 1890.] 8=. 14038. c. 41. YALLAPPA, M.B. SfePuRANAS. — Skanda-punhja. J? [s/c] . . . uoat^Ssj^ijj. [Bahija-charitrauiu. Trans- lated by Yalkppa.] [1891.] 12=. 14174.131. YATI-RAJA-DASUpU, Utd N(7r(7ija)ia-!ivch7ii-pu°., (if ChiUur. See Raghavachaeyulu, V. T. s,a . . . ,^ag>^Tr'r3si« -Scoii [Yishnu-puranamu. Edited by Y.] [1901.] 8°. 14174. bb. 3. .4 i^oi'4j-»i3'ejs5cr»Sr«^g{&). S'S'^Sixi. [Ven- katachala-mahatmyamu. A prose account of the sacred lewends and cults of the Yaishnava o • sanctuary at Tirupati, in 6 chapters.] pp. xiv. 332. <i^^S|^E9.^ nF-o3 [Madras, 1903.] 8°. 14174. bb. 11. YESU-DASU, 0. See Cain (J.). A Key to the Acts of the Apostles. [Translated into Telugu by Yesu-dasu.] 1909. 12°. 14174. a, 50. YOGANANDA AVADHUTA, disciple of Liiigaya. fcs;3r§2S^$ £Q,SS [Atmaikya-bodha. A dvipada poem on monistic psychology.] See Naeasatya, KiidhneUa. p^^o^£ Q^'S'U [Theosophieal poems, etc.] pp. 27-35. 1902. 8°. 14175. a. 9. YOGA - VASISHTHA - RAMAYANA. oj^ £ si. TJ* sS[r»- afinsJu -atoll [Vasishtha-ramayanamu. A prose rendering by Diirvasula Siirya-narayana Soma- yaji of the anonymous Sanskritphilosophicalpoem. With preface by Zanamanchi Bala-sarasvati Seshadri Sarma.] pp. 8, iv. 4, 104, 152, 164. ^^^11 [xl/a(Z?-as,] 1908. 8°. 14174. bbb. 8. [Jnana-vasishtha. An abridgment of the Yoga- vasishtha-r°., Ijy Abliinanda. Sanskrit text, edited with a Telugu translation by M. Naga- linga Sastri.] pp. 11, 968. ^i^^^ii [Madras,] 1909. 8°. 14049. d. 10. [Vasishtha-saptasati, or Yoga-vasishtha-ratna- mulu. An abridgment of the Sanskrit Yoga- vasishtha-ramayana, in 709 verses, based upon that of Abhinanda, by Krishnagiri Krishnayar- yudu. With Telugu interpretation by the latter's elder brother Venkata-ramanayaryudu. Edited by K. Markandeya Sarma.] pp. 2, 150. Madras, 1908. 8°. 14049. aaa. 14.(2.) Forms no. 4 of the Chid-anandasrarua-grantha-mala. Pp. 7-8 are wanting.