Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/174

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323 ADDENDA. 324 See Periodical Pqelications. — Madras. STS'gsS Vidyavati, etc. vol. i., no. 4, etc. 1906, etc. 8°. 14174. ff. l.Cvol. 1, etc.) In progress i BANKIM-CHANDEA CHATTOPADHYAYA. Chan- drasekliara. A famous novel of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee. [Done into Telngu] by Tallapragada Suryauarayana Eao. (2.°^®i^ ■^5'o^^■^^^^&l . . . ^sfe^-) pp. i. xiv. 226. ^^60 [rajmto,] 1910. 8°. 14174. gg. 19.(2.) Forms no. 11 of the Suvarna-lekha-grantha-manjari. 2 ^3^3? [Saivfilini. A novel. Translated by Ch. Srinivasa Rau from Bankim-chandra's " Chandra-sekhara."] See [Addenda] Periodical Publications. — Mastilipatam. e50(¥^^8'l> -aco ii [Andhra-bharati.] ol. i., no. , etc. 1910, e<c. 4°. 14174. ff. 4.(vol. 1, etc.) In progress. S'^s^T^o&p sSofS'rs ^}S^ ^ . . . -^sSt) [Krislina- kiintuni marana-sasanama. A translation, by Cbillarige Srinivasa Riiu, of the Bengali novel " Krishna-kanta's Will."] pp. iv. 195; 1 2'^«^e. s::.-cl)^io^^ [Blasidipatam,'] 1910. 12°. 14174. f. 34.(2.) BAPAYA. See Viea-mallayta, K. L. BEER (J. Vi.). Hymns and Spiritual Songs- in Telugu metre compiled from various sources and arranged in two parts. Part i., for Gospel ser- vices; part ii., for believers and worship . . . "§sxi«b i^ii'sw -^^11 Sixth edition, pp. 330, ii. Godavery Delta ilissioii : Fuhlishwg House: Madras, 1910. 12°. 14174. a. 53. BENSON (Charles). Sec [Addenda] Madras. A Collection of Telugu Sayings . . . bearing on Agriculture. [With preface by C. Benson.] 1891. 8°. I. S. 124. (no. 22.) BHADRADRI-RAMA SASTRI, Soi,tl,i Sr'i-lcanllia- jiu°. See [Addenda] llAMA-RAJA-iiHOsHANUDC. ^-iM^SxroS^ • • • sT'^'J^li [Vasu-charitramu. Revised by Bh. S.] 1910. 8°. 14175. b. 10. BHADRAYU DESAI, son of B/ija Eajanna Desd!, of ]Joiiikiiiida>. [1] Sec LaksiimI-pati, R. L. Bhadrayurabhyudayamu, etc. 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 37. BHAGAVANTA RAU, Betapudi Lahshml-ndrat/aiia- 2ni°. SS$3ss.cBb -eSorih-Sa SJSgsroeo. [Vividha- vishaya-sarnskarana-padyamulu. 24 short satirical poems on topics and characters of modern life.] pp. ii. 24. ^^^11 [Madras,] 1910. 32°. 14174. i. 35.(3.) BHAIRAVA-MURTI AYYA, MaUamapaJU. See [Addenda] Dhanvantari. ^^gi^B'S. [Dhanvantari. Edited by Bh. A.] 1910. 8°. 14174. ee. 19. BHARADVAJAMU, Devaguptapu. 'S' d^^Z^ai^siy,. efiXSi t5ax)(5o£'sx>^e)^feo£'.'SM. [Sarmishtha-vijayamu. A dr.ima in 5 acts on the legend of the loves of king Yayati and Sarmishtha, daughter of the Rakshasa king Vrisha-parva (Bhagavata vi. 6, ix. 18).] pp. ii. 60. t>-!3^^!SsM [Pithapuram,] 1910. 8°. 14174. h. 62.(5.) BHASKARUpU, Ethical Poet. ^rSh-iS'^S^s^. ds^w^^^a^-fi^T^^sSM. [Bhaskara-satakamu. A century of verses on ethical themes, said to have been written by Marana Yenkayya. With word- for-word interpretation and explanation. Edited by Ketavarapu Venkata Sastri.] (Ananda Press Series.) pp.iii.103. Madras, 1910. 12°. 14174 1.37. BHAVA-BHtJTI. [Lfe.] See [Addenda] Surya- NAEAYANA SaSTRI, M. R. ^i^i'S) ^S:?iJ-8 "aoD II [Maha-kavi-Bhava-bhuti-jivitamu.] 1910. 8°. 14174. gg. 30.(2.) • fe^?^-tj=5Sb-58d'^&)^^. [Uttara-rama- charita-natakamu. A Telugu version by M. Surya- uarayana Sastri.] 1906, etc. See Periodical Publications. — Madras. Stj'^sS Vidyavati, etc. vol.i., no. 1, etc. 1906, dc. 8°. 14174. ff.l. (vol.1, etc.) In progress. tJttara Ramacharita. A Teluo-u drama. Translated by Malladi Suryanarayana Sastii . . . and published under the patronage of Sri Raja Velugoti Raja Gopala Krishna Yachcudra . . . Raja of Venkatagiri. {&^S G^s^TSdtS-^r'io^sSxi.) pp. 2,97, i. Amalapuram, I90d. 8°. 14174. h. 57.(5.) &^S-cn>^TSd^^. (Uttara Rama charitra. Translation of the Sanskrit Drama.) See [Addenda] Periodical Publications. — Pitha-puram. The Kavita, etc. vol. i., no. 1, etc. 1910, etc. 8°. 14174. ff. 3, (vol. 1, etc.) In progress.