Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/29

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33 BIBLE BIBLE 34 Testament . . . r'^pfoo^jT.) pp. i. 933, i. 310. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : American Mission Press : Madras, 18b7, 1S60. 8°. 3068. e. 14. The Holy Biblej contaiuiug the Old and New Testaments : translated into the Telugu language, under the auspices of the British and Foreign Bible Society. [Comprising J. Hay's translation of Gen. and Ex. xx., as revised by the committee of Delegates first formed in 1805, and his version of Ex. i.-xix., xxi.-xl.j Lev., Ps., and Prov. ; Pritchett and Gordon's version of the remainder of the O.T., partly revised by R. D. Johnston ; and Wardlaw and Hay's version of the N.T., partly revised by Hay.] (S5*jg j«^o^c-ix3. ©.osi-,^ ■tr'eSpnr^-^aixi, r°^p?ooaS;5'c«x) oooSoSccScorSS S.) 7pts. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : Christian Know- ledge Society's Press : Madras, 188L 4°. 3070. g. 9. The parts of the text are .-—(I) Gen.— Lev., 136 pp. ; (2) Num.; (3) De^U.—Joh; (4) Ps. ; (5) Prov.; (6) Eccles.— Mai.; (7) N.T., Wl 2}1>. Pts. %6 are 'without pagination. In 1865 a committee of delegates ivas formed by the Madras Auxiliary Bible Society to co-operate with J. Hay in the translation of the Bible. Among its members were A. H. Arden, J. Chamberlain, J. Clay, P. Jaganiitham., L. Jewett, E. Lcivis, and M. JRatnani. The Holy Bible, etc. [Another edition of the version of 1881, giving the Gospels as first revised by the Delegates, and the rest of the N.T. in J. Hay's revision.] pp. 682, 210. Ma^dras Auxi- liary Bible Society : Christian Knowledge Society's Press: Madras, 188-i. 8°. 3070. g. 27. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, translated into the Telugu language under the auspices of the British and Foreign Bible Society. [Revised by J. Hay, E. Lewis, D. Auantam, J. R. Bacon, B. Sinayya, etc.~ ^^^}>?:o^■^ ^^o^;&a{So Si3ogcc&(5'^S.) pp. iy. 1048, 314. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society: S.P.C.K. Press : Vepery [Madras], 1904. 8°. 14174. bbb. 10. This edition contains new versions of 1 Samuel — Esther and of Daniel — Malachi, besides revisions of other books, OLD TESTAMENT. Pentateuch. "SCO II [Pentateuch. Translated into Telugu by tbe Serampore Missionaries, viz. W. Carey, J. Marsh- man, and W. Ward.] pp. G32. (^xps^^e^saoJib n^^r, [Serampore, 1821.] 8°. 3068. b. 32.(a.) See below : New Testament. The Book of Genesis. 'Sxr^'^^tS (^^osscwS^ sSaJStS ^^g'siw. pp. 251. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : American Mission Press : Madras, 1859. 16°. 3068. a. 27. (The Book of Exodus. ■Sv-"^^«?,^cs«>mS^ t,o&^ ^_^ §';&).) [Published by a committee formed in 1835, which made use of the papers of Pritchett and Gordon.] pp. 148. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : Mission Press : Bellary, 1844. 8°. 3068. b. 37. Without title-2>age. Tlie Book of Exodus. oi^Nj^-^ tsp &e»5JcM£<^ ixjT.^SvMg'^ 'Sio^ ^x^o$■5i». [In the version of 1857.] pp. 214. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society; American Mission Press : Madras, 1861. 16°. 3068. a. 30. The Book of Exodus. In Telugu. pp^si>-s^csisixi. [In the version of 1904.] pp. 174. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society: S.P.C.K. Press: Vepery (Madras), 1908. 32°. 14174. a. 42.(1.) Numbers and Deuteronomy, Telugu. ?5o43r»§-s"°c- 5S5S»?Sb 6g&SKrxS'^y^"°ocSL!i»,'3ci. pp. 77. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : S.P.C.K. Press : Vepery (Madras), 1909. 8°. 14174. a. 49. Esther. Esther. Telugu. c^^&. [In the version of 1904.] pp. 36. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : S.P.C.K. Press: Vepery {Madras), 1908. 16°. 14174. a. 40. Job. See Prakasamu (M.). History of Job [in verse], etc. 1906. 16°. 14174. a. 33. Psalms. The Book of Psalms, in Telugu. ^^^ le^r-^e; ^^§'si». pp. 564. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society: American Mission Press: 3fudras, I8ib. 16°. 3089. aa. 25. The Book of Psalms, s&^^v ^vs'!&o. pp.281. Madras Aiuiliary Bible Society : American Mission Press: Madras, ISQl. 16°. 3089. d. 7. D