Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/38

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51 CHIXNAYA- -DAMODAEA 52 CHINNAYA StJEI, Para-vastu {continued). S^l- iS^^p. [Vibliakti-bodhini. Paradigms of the in- flexions of Telugu grammar.] pp. 44. oo-s-V [Madras? 1864:.'] 12°. 14174. m. 16.(1.) CHINNAYYA, Chandragiri, disciple of Banga- rdmdnuja. i^ ■ • ■ ^Jl^f^(*^^^)5^*^A^s5^n^&l. [Da- kslaina-g5-grahanamu and Uttara-go-grahanamu. The story of the cattle-raids in the south aud north of the city of Virata as I'elated in the Maha- bharata, formins: the 3rd and 4th dsvdsas in a Jo jangama-Jiatha or popular ballad-cycle.] 2 pts. pp. 100, 184. ^-^^tsio^o [Madras,] 190G. 8°. 14175. a. 17. A. . . . ■5'?'64r°SSr3c«bs&. KoA'c'ibos'^. [Sasi- rekha-parinayamu. A ballad on the epic legend of the nuptials of Bala-raraa^s daughter Sasi-rekba ■with Abhimanyu.] pp.128. ^■^^'S^i^^o [Madras,] 1906. 8°. 14175. a. 18. r*&>e;5'^ -acoli [Sakshulu balkina kotula katba. A ballad on a trial for murder at Sholapur, in which indications given by monkeys belonging to the murdered man led to the detection of the mur- derer.] 2 pts. pp. 8, 8. ^(5'^S|on5&) [31adras,] 1909. 8°. 14175. a. 35. •^lejgi-p^SSg'^f S^^S^■e^'^&a3^_^§^&l . [Su- sila-raainavati-katha. A prose romance, with occasional verses, on the story of queen Susila- mainavati and her loyalty to ber husband, kiug Mainakudu of Gauda.] pp. 144. Madras, 1908. 8°. 14174. gg. 35. CHINNIAH SOOEI. See Chinnata Suri. CHITTI-EAMAYYA, Pedddda. See Mantruld. i3c«S^ao»gea>5i)o^Bo,e;T3'll [Muppadi-iddiiru mantrula charitramu. Edited by Ch.] 1909. 8°. 14174. g. 63.(3.) CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Is the Christian Religion true? (3^5&lJ5&) 75er§2?(^ -::?'. [Translated by ,J. Hay from the English.] (V.T.S. No. 30.) pp. 20. London Jllissioa Fi-ess : Vi~n<]apatam, 1806. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(26.) CLARKSON (William). On Pantheism, (^tl^- ^ssoofso ;(b8o-a?ra. [A Chri.stian tract. Translated by ,1. S. Wardlaw from jit. 1 of W. Ciarlcson's Gujarati work styled Destruction of Superstitiun.] (V.T.S. No. 20.) Third edition, pp.38. London Mission Press : Vizagapatam, 1863. 16'. 14174. a. 4.(20.) CLAY (John). [For editions of the Bible in the revised Telugu versions issued by the committee of Delegates including J. Clay :] See Bible. COLE (Benaiah). a Hand Book on Telugu Lan- guage for High Schools and Colleges . . . s-zyg- 6l)§' -sm II (Cuddapah Series.) 2 pts. Madras, 1905, 1909. 12°. 14174. m. 7. COLLETT (Charles). A Manual of the Law of Torts and of the Measure of Damages . . . Trans- lated into Telugu by Puducotai Samy Iyer. Second edition. ('^^'^ • • • ?3o'^S^_rf g'jiu.) pp. i. ii. i. 200, 70. Madras, 1872. 8°. 14174. d. 3. CONCORD. What Concord between Light and Darkness ? 'SewAbSb.'So^ -fcrtSip^ ^S^i^oK^^sixi, [Translated by Purushottamu from an Oriya tract.] (V.T.S. No. 25.) pp.15. London Mission Press : Vizagapatam, 1862. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(10.) CRAN (George) . See Bible. — New Testament. — Gospels. "S^psmr^- . . . ^r§s&i . . . [The Gos- pels according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Translated by A. Des Granges, with the assistance of G. Cran.] [1812.] 8^ 1410. h. 5. DAKSHA. JJ.H^e)®- [Daksha-smriti. A Sanskrit code of religious law, ascribed to the mythical Daksba. Edited with a Telngu translation by Para-vastu Venkata-raiigacharyulu.] pp. 48, ii. Vizagapatam, 1875. 16°. 14038. a. 1. DAKSHINA-MURTI, P. A critical Essay on Pingali Surana. Read ... at a meeting of the Andhra Bhashabhiranjaui, Madras Christian College, etc. (2.c,V?>-;^^.) pp. i. 24. Madras, [1893.] 8°. 14174. g. 40.(1.) DAL YELL (Kobeut Anstrdther). See Madras, Presidency of. «(5'^^9 2.Si^S?5?3^ "s^mII [The Standing Orders of the Board of Revenue. Com- piled by R. A. Dalyell] [1868.] 8°. 14174. d, 7. DAMODARA, Gavgt'idliara-}iu°. ooo cxh^jO'^^^. [Yaiitra-chiiitrimani. A treatise in Sanskrit on magic diagrams, etc. Edited with Telugu para-