Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/40

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55 DEVA- -DHAEMA 56 DEVA PERUMALLAYYA, Nisehinta. [For works edited by Deva Perumallayya, see under the following headings :] Arvaegal. Papa-kazUj K. A. Chenqalva-eayud0. Sambhu-dasudu, B. kshetratya. timmaya, k. LAKSHMANnoU. TlED-NARAYANACHAR- NIti. YULU, V. r33&,'&^^4oS';Sx) -avx)il [Harischandra-vilasainu, or H^.-nfitakamu. A popular drama on the legend of the truthful king Harischandra. Fourth edition.] pp.130, r,'^^-^ [Madras, 1882.] 8°. 14174. h. 4. LEVA PERUMALLAYYA, y. See Seshappa. '^S.S^ • • • c^e)^osr5'ii [JSTrfsimha-satakamu. Edited by D. P.] 1909. 12°. 14174.1.21.(3.) DEVA-EAJA DASTJ, Kdi/ll Dhanala. ^^,^■r^ sh^^ sia . [Bhaktamritamu. A collection of Telugu Vaish- nava lyrics. Followed by the Pancha-ratnam, a similar Tamil poem.] pp. 90, 5. ^(^^n "ir'Sfoa [Madras, 1898.] 8°. 14174. b, 25.(3.) ■^^SkcSdc-^x). [Bhakta-vijayamu. A series of lives of Vaishnava saints and votaries.] 2 pts. pp. xi. 3, 4, 1 18, 187. ^?^ii TiS^-!^8 [Madras, 1889.] 8°. 14174. bbb. 9. ^J^SzjcsSc-^. [Bhakta-vijayamu. A new edition in 4 parts.] "S^^ii Si^^^^s-fii [Madras, 1905.] 8°. 14174. bbb. 3. In progress ? Pts. 3 and 4 were compiled anonymoushj, Devardja having no leisure. Vol. 1 {containing pis. l-2j is of the 'drd edition. DEVA-EAJAYYA SURI, Arvar Tirunagari. See Skshachakyulu, M. R. "t^fg~5c^'»■^t^gg--B•8^«,. [Peran-kuratl'-alvan-charitra. Edited by D. S.] [1859.] 8°. 14174. b. 4. DEV-SANKAR VISVANATH. See Vemana. A^e- mana padliyamulu . . . [Edited] by Dev. Sliaiikar Visvauath. 1898. 8°. 14175. a. 1. Gyana bhodhiui. [An ethical poem, cliicfly on the duties of women.] Part i. By Dov Shaukar Vishvauath. {^^-ir^^p.) pp.iv.i.l31. Madras, 1897. 16°. 14174. i. 10, (1.) Stri dharma bbodini. [A metrical poem on the duties of women.] with notes, by D. Shan- kar. (Jj^^J^^"*??-) pp. i.ii. 134. Mndra.'t, 1897. 8°. 14174. k. 66.(3.) DHANVANTARI. (^ • • • ^?^Sol^a?)$ooto^. efi,«S J^a^gp^oe^ ?feJ^^. [Dhanvantari-nighantu. A Sanskrit metrical repertory of materia medica ascribed to the mythical Dhanvautari. With Telugu interpretation. Edited with the aid of Singa-razu Kama Sastri by Pidugu Venkatappa Rau.] pp. xi. 302. Madras, na-r-^ [1892.] 8°. 14043. c. 40. LHARMANNA, Gharlgon(laTiininaya-pu°. ■O^,'^-^- eJs&). Chitra Bharatamu. [A cAajw^/M composition in 8 dsvJsas upon epic themes] . . . Edited for the first time ... by K. Veeresaliiigam. pp. i. 158. Madras, 1898. 8°. 14174. k. 55.(2.) LHARMANAMATYUpU, Siripregada Tippaya-pu°. Sree Nalacheritrainu [a poem interspersed with prose upon the epic legend of Nala, in] six cantos. Re-printed from Suvarna Lekha. [Edited by Talla- pragada Siirya-narayana Rau.] {■^viSd^.) pp.2, 200. Cucanada, 1907. 8°. 14174. k, 52,(2.) DHARMA-RAJA DIKSHITA. ^t3-^S8^-^ [Ve- dauta-paribhiislia. A Sanskrit treatise on Vedantic philosophy. With Telugu translation.] 1895, etc. 8°. See Periodical PaBLiCATiONS. — Vizaga- patani. ?3 5'e.'3-J3^§i)S$2-p. [Sakala-vidyabhivar- dhani.] vol. iii., pt. i., efc. 1892-1897. 12° & 8°. 14174. g. 38. Not completed. DHARMA-RAZU. 00° i^^-u^&ts-^^^s^. [Dharma- razu-ziidamu. A ballad for women, upon the legend of the disastrous gambling of Yudhishthira. Published by P. Vehkata-ratnamma.] pp. 11. Vizagapatam, 1898. 8°. 14174.1.21.(2.) DHARMA StJRI, Tarvatesvara-pu°. F.A. Text 1909. Sree Narakasui-a vijayara. A Sanscrit drama [in one act, on the legend of Krishna's victory over the demon Naraka,] rendered into Telugu by ... K. Veukataratnam Pantulu Garu . . . Together with notes by . . . K. Subrahmanya Sas- trulu Garu. (^?S'-5-°-^SS2io3osio ef>?So?r>§^-"A';3oo.) pp. 1. 105. il/ar7ro.s 1908. 12°. 14174, h. 33.(4.) See Suuya-narayana Sastki, D., and SuNPARA-RAMA Sastiu, C. Complete Notes on F.A. Telugu Text, 1909 [viz. on Verikata-ratnamu's version of the Naraka- 6ura-vijay,'i,] etc. 1908. 8°. 14175, a. 28.