Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/43

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61 ELLIOT- -GATTU 62 ELLIOT (,SiV Walter). Flora Andhrica. A ver- nacular and botanical list of plants commonly mot ■with in the Telugu districts of the Northern Circars [in Telug-u and Latin, with English notes.] pt. i. pp.194. Madras, 1859. 8°. 14174. eee. 4. EMBAE-AYYA, Nisrhmta. See Pukanas. — JJrah- viunda-purdiia. "?^'o^^^■CJ■ II [Gauri-putra-chari- tramu. Eenderedin prose by Embar-ayya.] 1898. 12°. 14174. a. 31. ENGLAND. Outlines of the History of England. e;oA^oSo •^«' ■c•6^^,c■io. pp.214. S.P.G.K. Press : Vepery (Madras), 1856. 8°. 14174. g. 5. ENGLISH. English and Telugu First Book. Sixth thousand, pp. 72. Cliristian Vernandar Ed/ucation Society : Sccdiish Press : Madras, 1862. 16°. 14174. m. 9, English and Telugu Vocabulary (useful Wordsaud idiomatic Sentences). 1881-1883. 16°. See Dictionaries. 12906. a. 50. ■ The English Instructor. No. i. e.oAs: jT^^So^ [sic], etc. (English and Telugu . . . Fif- teenth thousand.) pp. 73. Cliristiuii, Vernacular Education Society: Scottish Press: Madras, 1862. 16°. 14174. m. 2. EPHEMERIDES. Calendar for 4,000 years. [In English and Telugu. By P. Venkata-subba R;Tu.] Ongole, 1894. s.s. Fol. 14003. e. 2.(22.) ■ AnEphemeris showing English dates corre- sponding to Telugu dates and vice versa for thirty- four years from Prabhava, A.D. 1867-68, to Sarvari, A.D. 1900-01. Compiled by P. Venkata- subba Rao. pp. ii. 34. OngoJe, [1900.] 4°. 14174. n. 39. ERRA PREGADA, ^r.siirt Surana-jm'., of Chidluru, (Sambhu-dasddu). See Maha-bharata. — Nannaya and Tilikunn's Version. (^ • • • ^^sSj'zs'o^^^afeSs&i. [Andhra-bharata, or Maha-bharata. A metrical version, in which bks. i.-iii. were composed by Nannaya, a supplement to bk. iii. being written about 1350 by Erra Prcgada.] [1864.] 4°. 14174. 1. 16. /See Maha-bharata. — Najinayaand Tikkana's Version. (^ . . . ^^is^o^^^^^W [Andhra- maha-bharata.] [1881.] 4°. 14174.1.14. ERRA PREGADA, Ersjtri Surana-pu"., of Gudluru, (Sambhu-dasuou) (continued). See Maha-bhaeata. — Nannaya and Tikkana's Version. ^^si>^zyo^^sSo. iH^(S^^ [Andhra-muha-bharata.] 1901. 8°. 14175. b. 1. GALLETTI (A.). See Galletti di Cai-h.uac (A. M. A. C). GALLETTI DI CADILHAC (Arthur Mario Agricola Collier). St'c Vikesa-lingamo, £". The Vinodha tharangini . . . with a translation and glossary by A. Galletti. 1902. Fol. 14174. p. 1. GANGADHARA BUCHCHI-RAMA SASTRI, Eda- vulli. See SuBANDHU. sT'-fiSii^ -200 II [Vasava- datta. Rendered by Gangadhara Buchchi-rama.] 1901. 12°. [J/rt/7>-w/H.] 14174. i. ll.(vol. 3.) GANGADHARA MANTRI, Addaiiki Viraya-pu". Thapathisamvarana upakliyanamu (0Sy7JjS5'- f^r«tr°4r>§^c-:J»). The well-known Telugu praban- dliam [i.e. a poem in 5 dsvdsas interspersed with prose on the story of the loves of Samvaraiia and Tapati, the younger sister of Savitri, as narrated in the Maha-bharata, Adi-parva clxxi. foil., dedi- cated to Ibrahim Malik of Golkonda, who reigned 1550-81.] (Sujauaranjaui Series no. 5.) pp. 4, 74, i. Cocanada, 1898. 8°. 14174. k. 64.(1.) GANGANARYTjpU, Bop2?an(imdiya-ini°. [For edi- tions of bk. V. supplied by this poet to the Andhra-bhagavatama of Potana Mautri :] See PuRANAS. — Bhdgavata-purana. GARTHWAITE (Liston). The Word for Word Translation of the Anglo-Telugu First Reader . . . with an appendix containing useful English phrases translated into Telugu. pp. 40. Madras, 1888. 12°. 14174. m. 16.(3.) GATTU PRABHU, EUana-pu^ &-^er^^4r'§i^Ji» . . . ■i{r_i Sa-=?5'sJ»^c?£'^~"r°^"acP'g^ ■iS'efcdg^^pej^fio- -^^E-oTO2X) 5'ooAb^eX'-7r» -?coll [Kuchelopakhya- namu. The legend of the votary Kuchela. Ki'ishna's poor friend (based on the Bhagavata-purana x. 80-1), rendered into 3 cantos of Telugu verse interspersed with prose.] (The Cuchel opa- khyanam. A Telugu poem.) pp.113. American Mission Press: Madras, A. 12°. 14174. k. 5. §b^er^-^4j'§(i'si« . [Kuchelopakhyanamu.] pp. 8,88. ^c^<^" [Madras;] 1897. 12°. 14174. i. 9.