Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/48

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71 HAIDAE- -HAY 72 ou the legend of Chitraiigi's unhappy passion for lier stepson Saraiigadliara.] pp. 80. ^t^.^^" [Maims,] 1908. 8 14174. h. 39.(6.) HAIDAR BAKHSH, Sahjid, Baidari. See Muham- mad KadirF. -^KbwS'osSe^ -aews'g'^ew smW [Suguna- ranjita-chiluka-katlialu. Adapted from the Totu- kahani, Haidar Baklish's Urdu version of Mali. Kadiri's tiiti-namali.] 1909. 8°. 14174. gg. 28. HAIG ( ), Majiir. See Bible. — Appendix. Scripture Truths in Scripture Language. [Selected by Major Haig], etc. 1859. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(2.) HAMZAH ibn 'ABD ul-MUTTALIB, AmJr. ^i^^ ir'oiT'. [Amire-liamzii, i.e. the Dastau i Amir Hamzah. An anonymous romance on the life of Amir Hamzah, uncle of Muhammad, originally written in Persian. Rendered into Telugu by Krottapalli Siirya Rau from the Hindustani.] 1908, etc. Sfe Periodical Publications. — Eajah- mundvy. The Saraswati, etc. vol. x., no. 5, etc. 1898, t<«. S^ 14174. g3^. 2.(vol. 10, etc.) In progress. HANUMANTA RATI, Mocherla Sltd-rama-chandra- piu°. Sree Chandrahasa natakamu (tS^o^^^xE^S- 73^4o5'55xi). [A drama in 6 acts on the legend of Chandra-hasa, based upon the Jaimini-bharatalix.] pp. iii. 96. Cocauuda,^QQ. 8^ 14174. h. 37.(5.) HANUMANTA EAU, Zallepalli. -^"^^SzscSb.^ . [Susena-vijayamu. An adaptation of Shakspere's drama " Cymbeline."] pp. viii. 106, ii. ^"^Sb? n^F->J- [CMcacolc, 1898.] 8°. 14174. h. 17.(3.) HARI-BHAJANA SINGARI-DASU. See Singari- DAbU. HARKNESS (Henry) and VISVAMBHARA SASTRI, Nid'hniifnjdiamunlpiih/n. A Sanscrit Primer [in Telugu], or First book of a series, designed to assist native students ... by Captain Henry Harkness and Visvambra Sastri, etc. pp. ii. 76, ii. CoUrgerrc'ss: Madras, 1827. 8°. 14174. n. 18. HARSHA-DEVA, Kiii'j of Thanesar. [Life.] See [Addenda] Bana. ^'^■iSU (Harshacharitramu.) 1908, etc. 8°. [Sarasvati.] 14174. gg. 2.(vol. 10, etc.) from the Sanskrit of Harsha-deva. Second edition.] pp. 48. TP^;;S^"l3^o^^sJ^?s&l rxro-yt [Rajahmuiidri/, 1885.] 8°. 14174. h. 11.(3.) ^csiaJ^'r-^ . [Priya-darsana. A Telugu translation by Bulusu Papayya Sastri of the Sanskrit drama Priyadarsika.] pp. 45. Viza- gnpatam, 1902. 8°. 14174. h. 26.(10.) ^S).csb^S5^s' o8S,'Cofr'4o5'ii». [Priyadarsika. Translated into Telugu by Channa-pragada Bhanu- murti.] pp. i. vi. 41. Masulipatam, 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 53, ^SjjcBSJSS^-s^T^feSS'. (Priyadarsika. [San- f^eT'^S?. [Ratnavali. A ilniina. Trnns- lated into Telugu by Kandukiiri Viresa liugainu skrit text, edited with Telugu translation and notes by] V. Venkataraya Sastry.) pp. 6, i. 128. 5Sd«^-^ [J/arfras,] 1909. 8°. 14080. d. 39. HASTAMALAKA ACHARYA. ^ • • ■ sJ-^^wr^-- s.g,^^D. [Hastamalaka-stotra. An Advaita-vedantic poem. With its commentary Hastamalaka- bbashya, ascribed to Sahkara. Sanskrit text, edited with Telugu translation by N. Guru-lihga Sastri.] pp. 32. -^-^^-i^a^ oi^oo [Madras, 1901.] 8°. 14049. a. 7.(1.) This coTTimeniary is not the Vedanta-siddhanta-dipiha, but is the same as that published hy Mahesa-chandra Pala in the Vedauta-ratnavali {Calcutta, 1883). HATIM TA"i. ;5^^©o-5r>cxx,. [Hatim Ta'i. A romance, originally composed in Persian. Trans- lated by 'All Sahib from the Hindustani.] pp. 158. 1902. See Periodical Poblications. — RnjaJi- mundry. The Saraswati, etc. vol. iii., no. 8 — vol. iv., no. 12. 1898, etc. 8°. 14174. gg. 2. (vols. 3, 4.) HAY (John). See Bible. — Complete Bibles. The Holy Bible in the Telugu Language . . . [The Old Testament] translated by . . . Gordon and Pritchett [and the New Testament in tlio version of Wardlaw and Hay, revised]. 1857, 1860. 8 3068. e. 14. See Bible. — Comphie Bibles. The Holy Bible . . . [Comprising Hay's translation of Gen. and Ex. xx., as revis^od by the Delegates, and his version of Ex. i.-xix., xxi.-xl., Lev., Ps., and Prov. ; Pritchett and Gordon's version of the remainder of the O.T. ; and Wardlaw and Hay's version of the N.T., partly revised by Hay.] 1881. 1°. 3070. g. 9.