Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/50

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75 INDIA- -JAGAN-NATHA 76 1871. cio-zn i2^ ^osje^^^^ sioacsj3-"^«'<&-s-"e)?)?5'^- csfi-H^losJu. [Signed by W. F. Wright as translator.] pp. 104. Madras, 1872. 8°. 14174. d. 9.(3.) The Indian Evidence Act. Or Act i. of 1872. As amended by Act xviii. of 1872. siog- ceS--^?-^ -jen.!, e5g>. [Signed by ^Y. F. Wright as translator.] pp. lOG. Madras, 1873. 8°. 14174. d. 5. Acts of the Governiuent of India. Act no. ix. of 1872 . . . The Indian Lawof Contract. Siofic(55-»"^'S'^ . . . g'0(4x^So is-^i^ 43 o^iopo «b6o-S(5' ^rS-^si>o. [Signed by T. G. M. Lane as trans- lator.] pp.137. J/acfms, 1873. 8°. 14174. d. 2. Acts of the Government of India. Act no. X. of 1872 . . . The Code of Criminal Pro- cedure . . . -^5JssbooS55bJ?^?SoAoao-S?r_^^S. [Signed by W. F. Wright as translator.] pp. 29, 235, 14,75. Madras, 1874. 8°. 14174. d. 6. Acts of the Government of India .. . Act no. iii. of 1873 . . . The Madras Civil Courts' Act, 1873, etc. (Act no. v. of 1873 [cited as the Savings Bank Act] . . . KiS^^oiM 'fiSiofTf tygole; ^?3^si>o. Actno. vi.of 1873.) [Signed by T. G. M. Lane as translator.] pp.28. [Madras, 1873?] 8°. 14174. d. 8. INDRA-KA NTHA - VALLABHACHARYA, Amare- svara-pu°. ^ • • • ^^g-So'eJ'^tS [Vaidya-chintji- mani. A Sanskrit treatise on medicine. With a Telugu interpretation by Pidugu Subba-ram- ayyn, assisted by Jaya-krishna Dasu and Raja- manuiiru Nayudu. Edited by S. Kamii Sastri, N. Vira-svami Sfistri, and K. Venkata-rama Sastri.] pp. ii. xlviii. 879. oa-vj-3 [Madras,.'] 4'. 14043. e. 15. INSTRUCTION. Spiritual Instruction. ■^ ^^ -^y^. [A Christian tract.] (V.T.S. No. 9.) Sixth edition, jip. 18. Vizagapatam, 1862. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(13.) IRUGAPA-NATHA. See Uddanda Hanga-natha. 'IZZAT ALLAH, Bancjdll. ;<ber«?j-5-»-Dc!6.'So ^ss.^1)- <y-.sar^. sJ-ES'j^-s'Sg^Sx.. [Gul i Bakavali, or Pushpa-lilavati-katha. A prose version, by Tiruk- kudandai Kasturi-raugayya, of the Gul i Bakavali, a romance originally composed in Persian by 'Izzat Allah.] pp. 157. "B^^ii [Madras,'] 1894. 8°. 14174, g. 30. 'IZZAT ALLAH, Bangdll {continued). Abl5?o-T'sl>- Si'tjr'S'eJ^oro'^a o>J'^X^o$s£o -axiii [Gul i Bakavali. Translated by Gandliiri Imam SiiHib. Edited by Burakayalakota Nallagatla Krishnayya.] pp. 119. ^oA-ifij-ao [Punganur,] 1895. 8°. 14174. g. 29. JAGANATHAM, PidipaJca. [For editions of the Bible in the revised Telugu versions issued by the committee of Delegates including P. Jaga- nalham :] See Bible. JAGAN-NATHA, the God. On the Worship of Jagaunath. ^^W^^^^^Sk- [Translated by Puru- shottamu, and revised by J. Hay and Jagan- natham, from a Serampore tract.] (V.T.S. No. 10.) Sixth edition. pp. 34. London Mission Press : Viaagapatam, 18Q1. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(9.) JAGAN-NATHA KAVI, Pandita-rayalu. Jagan-natha Pandita-eaja. See JAGAN-NATHA MAL, Mdthi, of Yenlatagiri. See Bhaktei-hari. ■$'S^j)Sr>e-^5r»?xeJ ?oO(£jSr'ji». [Bhar- tri-hari-subhashita- sangrahamu. Compiled by Jagan-natha.] 1905. 8°. 14175. a. 10.(6.) aS§?5er°^S? -2v»ll [Sringara-padya-ratnavali.. Speci- mens of erotic poetry selected from classical Telugu poems (1364 verses), with an appendix of 156 similar extracts from the Sanskrit. Second edition.] pp. i. 24, 6, 340. ^?^^ll [Madras,] 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 25. JAGAN-NATHA MANTRI, KmUmancld Gaiigana- pu°. (.Jaoga Kavi). -^2f ,J^S3E3cj$>3 . [Su- bhadra-parinayaniu. A poem in 6 dsvdsas of verse interspersed with prose, on the loves of Arjuna and Subhadra. Reprinted from the "Kaliivatl."] pp. 86. -^zaS^-i^o^^^s^^ [Rajah- rinindri/,] 190-L 8". 14175. a. 10.(5.) JAGAN-NATHAMU, Yellapantula. See Parneli. (T.) . The Vanaprastudu. Translated from Parnell's " Ilerinet " [sic] by . . . Jngannadham. 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 29. JAGAN-NATHA PANDITA-RAJA, Peru-hhaff.a-pii°. [l^ife.] See TiEUi'ATi Sastei, D., and Venkate- SVARA Sastri, Ch. Panditarajam, etc. 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 57.(3.) Bhaminecvilasaiiiu [a series of erotic verses]. Translated [metrically] from the original