Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/63

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101 LAKSHMI-NAEASIMIIAMU- -LAKSIIMI-NARASIMHAYYA 102 LAKSHMi-NARASIMHAMU, SeUi. Sree Malitii vijayaiii. Keecliaka vadha. (sSr^S^JSajcsSisSu. i-a'S'- Sf.) [A drama in 5 acts on tho story of Kl- chaka's ]):is.sion foi* Draupadi told in the Maha- liharata, Virata-p°. xiv. foil.] pp. iii. 89. Viza- gapalam, Madras [printed], 1907. 8°. 14174. h. 39.(5.) LAKSHMI-NARASIMHA RAU, Vanurjantl Veiilcata- rainnnoyya-pu°. iSVe VIka-bhadka Rad, /. Saran- gadhar. A Hindu drama in English . . . (tan adaptation from the telugu original written hy • . . P. L. Narasimha Rao, e«c.) 1908. 12°. 14174. h. 45. Kokilr ( K^i tSocwJJoS'sijDe) r'^&oS'sJx).) [A romantic drama in 5 acts. With introductory poem and opening scene {nfnnU and iirastdvana) by Kuchi Narasimhamu.] pp. ii. 156. s'raj§o [Tanuhi,] 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 47.(6.) Narmada purucustheam (^^Ty^&SbS^- ccsbsiu). [Narmada-purukutsiyamu. A drama in 5 acts on the legend of king Puru-kutsa, his con- quest of the Nagas and Gandharvas, and his marriage with the Naga princess Narmada (Bha- gavata-puraiia ix. 7).] pp. 2, 2, 13G. ElJore, 1908. 8°. 14174. h. 48.(1.) Pattabhanofa Raohavara alias Paduka pattabhi shekam. {^^^i^oK -cr-:f^S tS^ e),^ -ij^&-^- a|j-°^-|x?'£a3.) An original drama in seven acts [on the story of the Ramayana, Ayodhya-kancla, cxii. f., telling how Rama's brother Bharata set up Rama's slippers on the throne to represent Rama in his exile]. (Sarvajanamanoranjani Series no. 2.) pp. iii. iv. 183. Tanuliu, Rajahvmnilry [printed], 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 47.(7.) Prachanda Chauakyam ((Sjw'rffi^D^ra J'^.'Sm). An original drama in six acts [based upon the Mudra-rakshasa]. (Sarvajanamanoranjani Series no. 1.) pp. ii. 181, iii. Rajahmundry, 1900. 8°. 14174. h. 49.(5.) Vauavasa Raghavam. [A drama in 5 acts on the dwelling of Rama and SitJi in the forest, as told in the Ramayana. With opening stanzas (ntindl) and prelude by K. Narasimhamu.] (s5^ s3^k5 !T°t'vSsSu. tsoooJ^oS'^e) 13^ fej ^' S)'m . ) pp. i. i. 189. &^^ [Tanulcu,'] 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 57.(6.) Vijaya Raghavam. [A drama in 8 acts on the epic legend of Rama's conquest of Ravana. With opening stanzas {ii//udl) and prelude by K. Narasimhamu.] (Sma^xr'^sssix). oipSuJJoS'jiMej ■fT'ij^SM.) pp. i. ii. ii. 301. eJca^sTo [Tamiku,] 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 57.(8.) Vipranaraj'ana. [A drama in () acts on the legend of the Vaishnava votary Vipra-nara- yana (in Tamil called Tondar-acli-podi) and his temptation. With opening verses [ndnd'i) and prelude by K. Nara.sinihamu.] (S^S^^^iT'cAnue- (^;i».) pp. ii. vi. 151. ^t-aoSo [I-anM/rt,,] 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 57.(7.) LAKSHMI-NARASIMHA RAU, Tadurl Rdvia-raya- ■pu°. (SVe Bhaskaua Bhatta. ^_^^Tr'^«S5iu. [Un- matta-rSghavamu. Rendered into Telugu by Lakshrai-uarasimha Rau.] 1898. 8°. [.5c/?-«- svatL] 14174. gg. 2.(vol. 1.) Jnanodayam. [Metrical versions of 21 poems by Longfellow, Cowper, and others.] (l^^r-aJcsbsio.) pp. XV. i. 52. jl/(((?y-;.s 1909. 12°. 14174. i. 26.(5.) LAKSHMI-NARASIMHA RAYA PANTULU. Lakshmi-narastmha Rau. ^'ee LAKSHMI-NARASIMHA RAZIT, Surihnnda. See RamayaMantei, Y. )S. Ksxy^-^^^-^iix, smU [Gayo- pakhyanamu. Edited by L. R.] 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 56. LAKSHMI-NARASIMHA SOMA-YAJI, J. Lakshmi-narasimhatya. -See LAKSHMi-NARASIMHAYYA, Atmur!. S'-e Apa- STAMBA. (^ • ■ • cSi)2?^'?^^4r°"qP'§a»?P'^ajS'cSbjS'(S^ScrTA'5 [Upauayaua-prayoga. Edited with Telugu inter- pretations of the rubrics, tic, by Lakshml-uarasim- hayya.] 1901. 8°. 14033. c. 46.(1.) See Bhaskarudu, Punihifa. ^^%9^{^- ^^3-5^. [Vaisya-dharma-prakasika. Published by L] [1890.] 8°. 14038. d. 28. Stie Brahmanas. •i»D"jfc.^?5§ SDe^-gcSb^SqnS [Aitareya-brahmana. Edited by L.] 1888. 8°. 14010. c. 47. — See Vedas. r^^g.csb^^»"^§^i ^ &ba£>7SoSy^ir' [Taittiriya-samhita. Edited by L.] [1888.] 8°. 14007. CO. 19. See Vkdas. The Black Yiijur Yedam . . . With Telugu meaning . . . by A. L. Narasimham. 1886. 8° 14007. c. 19.