Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/85

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145 PAEASARA- -rARVATISVARUDU 146 sapu Venkatesvanulu. Edited by Viiizaiiiiiri Vira-raghavacharyulu.] pp.i. 22. ^(J^H [il/a^/rw.s-,] 1907. 8'. 14048. c. 23.(2.) PARASARA. Wo^$,r^ersSxT»y?S-_^^S. [Parasara- sniriti. The code of law ascribed to tbe legendary sage Parasara. Rendered from the Sanskrit into Telugu verse by Adipudi Prabhakara Rau of Gadwal. Reprinted from the " MaSju-vani."] pp.104. £'//or£', 1900. 12°. 14174. d, 17. PARASARA BHATTA, sort of Srl-vatsdnka KuraW- (irvun, (Ranga-natha). o o o ^sj^g^^jT wg-l^i. [Ashtasloki. A Sanskrit Vaishnava poem in 8 stanzas. With the Sanskrit commentary of Prativadi-bhayarnkaram Annan, an appendix on the rahasya-traya, and Telugu paraphrases and commentaries by Tirumalai Kanduri Bhasliyakara- charyulu.] pp. 92. ^^^ H [i/aJras,] 1907. 12°. 14028. bb. 19. PARASir-RAMA PANTULU. ^ir'Tr'^ozi-^oSDTSo. ■ssTijSoiSi ^Sv-"('^^^.^ [Sita-ramaiijaneya-samva- damu. A work in the form of a conversation between Sita, Rama, and Hanuman, inverse mixed with prose, on the Vedantic philosophy and Yogic mysticism. Edited by Nelaturu Krishnam-achar- yulu.] pp. 66. oor£_V {Madras, 1864.] 8°. 14174. bb. 8. o o o ^eT'TPsSj'OSS'^cSS^O'SP'JSsijiSo 'Sxr^K^- [Sita-ramanjaneya-sarnvadamu. Edited with a commentary styled Artha-saiigrahamu by 0. V. Dora-samayya, the whole work being styled Sita- ram.aiajaneya-sarnvadartha-sangrahamu.] pp. i. 313; 1 plates, ^^^n [.Var^ms,] 1896. 8°. 14174. bb. 1. oooui^z^ ^iTjj- rrLnir;^iFQ isiu srvLoeuir^ervrrjr- (smiEiQjTsiM ^, [Sita-ramanjaneya-samvada-sara- sarigraham. An epitome, by Narapa-razu Rama- chandra Pantulu, of the Sita-ramaujaneya-sam- vadamu. With Tamil translation and commentary and a concluding Tamil poem by Vijaya-raglia- valu Nayudu.] pp. xviii. 164, 6, iii. ii. Q'fssr'SssT <Err6Qer7wi9 [Madras, 1898.] 8°. 14170. ee. 27. a^cSbposj'JS^. [Sita-ramaiijaneya-samvadamu. With a word-for-word gloss by Palaparti Nage- svara Sastri, and a commentary by N. Guru-linga Sastri. Second edition.] pp. iv. ii. 312. '^i^^'i n'j-<^^ [Madras, 1808.] 8 14174. c. 6. PARASU-RAMA SASTRI, Mosuru. See Amara- siMHA. (^ • • • ?fo«b^^e)^S^^^g' -203 II [Nama-linga- nusasana. Edited with Telugu commentary etc. by S. Tiru-veugadiicharyulu, assisted by Parasu- rama.] [1861.] 4°. 14090. f. 7. PARNELL (Thomas), Archdeacon of Clorjhcr. The Vanaprastudu. Translated from Parnell's "Hermet" [sic] by Yellapantula Jagannadham. (=^^£."t^'^-) PP- 15. Rajahmundry, 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 29.(1.) PARTHA-SARATHI AYYAR, T. See Vicmana. (^ . . . ■^sSDjcTsSiJg^tooew. [Vemana-padyamul Edited by P. A.] [1897.] 8°. 11. 14174. k. 63. PARTHA-SARATHI DASUDU, Suminenl. ,^S»S- [Natha-maunlyamu, Puiularikakshodayamu, Rama- misravataranarau, Yarauua-maunlyamu, Maha- piirniyamu, and Riimanuja-vilasamu. Six cantos of the Divya-suri-viliisamu, pt. ii., narrating in verse arranged for singing, with occasional prose, the legendary lives of six Fathers of the Srl- vaLshnava church, viz. Natha Muni, Pundarikak- sha, Rama Misra, Yamuna Muni, Maha-piirna, and Ramauuja.] pp. 4, 147. "^i^^" ncri^E [Madras, 1897.] 8°. 14175. a. 4. PARVATiSVARUpU, Mandapdl-a Edmesvara-}m°., Court Pandit of Bohhili. [Miscellaneous writings, including (1) Sarat-taravali or Varaha-narasimha- satakamu, verses on the nalcsJiatras, the 60 years of the -Jovian cycle, etc. ; (2) Srimat-traipadendra- guru-cliandra-charitramu, 544 lines on the life of a religious teacher; (3) Prabandha-sambandha- bandha-nibandhana-granthamu, 107 verses of rules for artificial versification ; (4) Sri-kri.shnabhyuda- yamu, a poem on the legend of Krishna; (5) Hari- haresvara-satakamu or Atma-paryaya-charya- saparya, a poetical autobiography, etc.] See Pekiodical Pdblicatios. — NeUore. (tfs&o^a^s XjO^J -2ot II) [Amudrita- grantha-chintamani.] 1885-1904. 8°. 14174. k. 11. No. 1 is contained in vol. viii. 3-5, no. 2 in vol. m. 5-7, no. 3 in vol. ix. 4, 5, no. 4 in vol. xiv. 1 — xvi. 5, no. 5 in vol. X. 9 — xi. 8. L