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Page:A complete index volumes 1-25 of Poet Lore.djvu/22

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Armenian Literature, Modern.. Are We Approaching a Dark Age. Ariel.. Arion, a Tale of. Armin, Robert, Annals of Shakespeare's "Fellow". Aristophanes' Apology. Arms, Milo, a Poet of Italy, an appreciation of Giosue .IX, 122 .IV, 637 .XXV, 217 .X, 8 ..I, 507 .V, 237 .XVI, B. 67 VIII, 134 .X, 589 .VIII, 100 .VI, 76 .VII, 497 .XXII, 146 .XIII,425 .XX, 399 .IX, 615 .VI, 605 .XXV, 572 .XIII, 357 .XIII, 251 .I, 298 .VI, 529 .XV, A. 46 .XX, 81 .I, 326 .I, 367 .XX, 161 .VIII, 570 .IX, 552 Character in: An inductive study IV, 31, 81 ..IX, 275 .IV, 498 III, 341 .X, 436 .XI, 20 .V, 305 .VII, 96 .XXIV, 289 ..II, 18 .XVI, D. 87 .VIII, 53, 110, III Carducci.. Arnold, Matthew, A Bit of Art from. and the Spirit of the Age. Personalia.. Poetic Characteristics of. Arnold's "Sohrab and Rustum" Blank Verse of.. Arnoux, C. E., Translator, The Djinns-Hugo. "Aroint thee, Witch, Aroint thee" Art.. Beginnings of. for Man's Sake. of Humilis, The. of the Future, The. The Use of Ugly in' Works, Duty on. Arthur and Beowulf as English Ideals. Artistic Possibilities of Indian Myths, The. Asckenasy, Ysidor, Translator, In Chains-Hervieu. Ashmead Mary A., Hathaway Club.. Ashurst Richard L., Prolegomena to "Henry IV", Assumption of Hannele (Drama).. "Astrophel and Stella", Sidney's. "As You Like It". Study Program.. The Ethics of. The Plot of: An inductive Study Athenaeum Press Series, The... Athenian Physician, Letter from. At Inspection... Atmosphere of Obstacle, The. At the Chasm (Play). At the Waking of Helgi. Attar and Sanai.. Austin, Alfred..