J's lost etymology of Issachar.—18. E's interpretation of (Hebrew characters), which is, of course, independent of the story of the mandrakes. The name is resolved either into (
Hebrew characters), 'man of hire,' or into (
Hebrew characters)], 'there is a reward' (Tu. Di.); or else the (
Hebrew characters) and quiescent (
Hebrew characters) are simply dropped (Gu.): v.i.—20. Two etymologies of Zĕbûlûn; the first from E ((
Hebrew characters)), and the second, therefore, from J: both are somewhat obscure (v.i.).—21. Dînāh] The absence of an etymology, and the fact that Dinah is excluded from the enumeration of 3223, make it probable that the v. is interpolated with a view to ch. 34.—22-24. At last Rachel bears a son, long hoped for and therefore marked out for a brilliant destiny—Yôsēph.—23b, 24b. E derives the name from (
Hebrew characters), 'take away'; J more naturally from (
Hebrew characters), 'add': May Yahwe add to me another son!
XXX. 25-43.—Jacob enriched at Laban's Expense (JE).
Jacob, having accomplished his 14 years of service for his wives, is now in a position to dictate terms to Laban,
J, on account of the numeral.—18a[Greek: b], while correctly expressing the
idea of E, contains the word (Hebrew characters), which E avoids; and is therefore
probably redactional.—18b. (
Hebrew characters)] So Ben Asher regularly, with Qrê perp. (
Hebrew characters): B. Naphtali has (
Hebrew characters), or (
Hebrew characters) (see Baer-Del. Gen. 84 f.;
Ginsburg, Introd. 250 ff.). The duplication of the (
Hebrew characters) cannot be disposed
of as a Massoretic caprice, and is most naturally explained by
the assumption that two components were recognised, of which the
first was (
Hebrew characters) (We. TBS, p. v). For the second component We. refers
to the (
Hebrew characters) of 1 Ch. 1135 264; Ba. compares an Eg. deity Sokar; while
Mey. (INS, 536) is satisfied with the interpretation 'man of hire,'
corresponding to the description of the tribe in Gn. 4914f..—20. (
Hebrew characters)]
The [root] (except in proper names) is not found in OT, but is explained by
Aram. (cf. (
Syriac characters), 'dowry'), and is common in Palm. prop. names (BDB,
s.v.). The interchange of (
Hebrew characters) and (
Hebrew characters) is probably dialectic (cf. dacrima
= lacrima), and hardly justifies Cheyne's view that the name in the
writer's mind was (
Hebrew characters)] (l.c. 380).—(
Hebrew characters)] Another (
Greek characters) apparently
connected with (
Hebrew characters), poet. for 'abode': Vns. 'dwell with' (as EVV).
This gives a good enough sense here, and is perhaps supported by 4913
(see on the v.); but (
Hebrew characters) remains without any natural explanation. See
Hogg, in EB, 5385 ff. Mey. (538) derives it from the personal name (
Hebrew characters)
(Ju. 928).—21 end] G + (
Hebrew characters) (as 2935).—24. (
Hebrew characters)] Probably a contraction
of (
Hebrew characters), though the Yšp'r of the list of Thothmes III. (No. 78)