1-14, the more obvious doublets are 1a 2a, 5a 6b, 7a 8, 11a 13a; characteristic
phrases of J: (Hebrew characters), 2. 3; (
Hebrew characters), 2 (438 4719); (
Hebrew characters), 5 (4238 4429; (
Hebrew characters),
5; (
Hebrew characters), 7. 10. Possibly also (
Hebrew characters), 9b. 12b, is J's variant for E's
Hebrew characters), 9b. 11b etc. (cf. 30. 31. 34) (Gu.). Hence we may assign to J 2. 3a. 4b.
5?. 7} (except (
Hebrew characters), which should probably follow 9a in E [Di. KS.
Gu.]), 9bβ. 10. 11a. 12; and to E all the rest (so Gu. nearly: Procksch,
however, very plausibly assigns 5. 6a to P).—After 12 there is no trace
of J till we come to 27. 28abαβ, an obvious duplicate of 35, containing J's
peculiar word (
Hebrew characters).—29-37 are from E: note the name Jacob, 29. 36;
Reuben's leadership, 37; and the words (
Hebrew characters), 34; (
Hebrew characters), 34 (3728 [? 3420f.]);
Hebrew characters), 36. We also obtain some new expressions which may be employed
as criteria of E: (
Hebrew characters), 30 (cf. 7); (
Hebrew characters), 31. 33. 34 (cf. 11. 19); (
Hebrew characters), 33 (cf. 19);
Hebrew characters), 35 (cf. 25).—38 belongs to J, but its proper place is after 432 (see on the
v.).—A peculiar feature of this and the following chs. is the name (
Hebrew characters),
which is elsewhere in Gen. characteristic of P (see p. 245). From
this and some similar phenomena, Giesebrecht and others have inferred
a Priestly redaction of the Joseph pericope; but the usage may be due
to the constant and unavoidable antithesis between Canaan and Egypt
(see p. 438 above).
1-4. The journey to Egypt.—1, 2. Another effective change of scene (cf. 391 411), introducing the deliberations in Jacob's family regarding a supply of food; where the energy and resourcefulness of the father is set in striking contrast to the perplexity of the sons.—4. Benjamin has taken Joseph's place in his father's affection (4429ff.); Jacob's unwillingness to let him out of his sight is a leading motive both in J and E.
5-17. The arrival in Egypt, and first interview with Joseph.—On 5, 6a, v.i.—6b. As suspicious strangers the brothers are brought before the viceroy.—bowed themselves, etc.] Reminding Joseph of his dreams (v.9). The original connexion in E is broken by the insertion of v.7 from J.—
1. (Hebrew characters)] of uncertain etymology, is always used of grain as an article
of commerce (Am. 85, Neh. 1032).—(
Hebrew characters)] G om.—(
Hebrew characters)] G (
Greek characters) (? =
Hebrew characters), Kit.). Though the Hithpa. occurs elsewhere only in the sense of
'face one another in battle' (2 Ki. 148. 11 = 2 Ch. 2517. 21), a change of
text is uncalled for.—2. (
Hebrew characters)] G om.—(
Hebrew characters)] G (
Hebrew characters) (as 432); rd. perhaps
Hebrew characters).—3. (
Hebrew characters)] 'ten in number,' acc. of condition.—4. (
Hebrew characters)] G om.
5a reads like a new beginning, and 5b is superfluous after 1-4. Pro.
is probably right in the opinion that 5. 6a are the introduction to P's lost
narrative of the visit, a view which is confirmed by the unnecessary
explanation of 6a, and by the late word.—6. (Hebrew characters)] only Ec. 719 88 105
[Ezk. 1630] and Aram. portions of Ezr. and Dn. (Kue. Ond. i. p. 318).
The resemblance to (
Greek characters), the name of the first Hyksos king in Jos.