morning hours of February 12, 1901. came the end, that end which despite anticipation or expectation, was felt as a shock through a wide circle of friends and admirers in the city which he loved and which owed so much to his bright, fertile and discerning mind.
His writings included:
"Occlusion and Dilatation of Lymph Channels, Acquired Forms," 84 pp., 1877, New Orleans. Reprinted from "New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal," 1876-8.
"Congenital Occlusion and Dilatation of Lymph Channels," xv, 187, pp., 8°, New York, 1878.
"Personal Reminiscences and Recol- lections of Forty-six Years Membership in the Medical Society of the District of Columbia and Residence in this City, with Biographical Sketches of Many of the Deceased Members," x, 17-373 pp., S°, Washington, District of Columbia, 1895.
"A Souvenir, with an Autobiograph- ical Sketch of Early Life and Selected Miscellaneous Addresses and Communica- tions," viii, 3S2 pp.. 1 plate, 3 photo- graphs, 8°, Washington, District of Columbia.
"Pen Pictures of the City of Wash- ington in the Past," Washington, 1S98.
"Annual Addresses of the President of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia delivered 1S94-95-96-97-98," iv, pp., 17S, 8°, Washington, District of Columbia, 1S99.
"Artificial Induction of Labor in Uremia," 62 pp., S°. Reprinted from "National Medical Journal," Washington, 1870.
"An Inquiry into the Nature of the Uterine Supports and of the Causes of Displacements," 39 pp., S°. Reprinted from " American Journal of Obstetrics," New York, 1872.
"Address in Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children," delivered before the American Medical Association, June 8, 1876, 33 pp., 8°. Reprinted from "Transactions of American Medical Association," Philadelphia, 1876, xxvii.
"The Potassium Bromide and Sus- pension of the Action of the Stomach in the Treatment of Uncontrollable Vomit- ing of Pregnancy," 6 pp., 8°. Reprinted from "American Journal of Medical Sciences," Philadelphia, 1S79.
"Alternating Anterior and Posterior Version of the Uterus," 12 pp., 8°. Reprinted from "Transactions of Ameri- can Gynecological Society," 1879.
"A Case of Tuberculosis of the Peri- toneum with the Formation of a Sae simulating an Ovarian Cyst," 12 pp., 8°. Reprinted from " Gaillard's Medical Journal," New York, 18S0.
"Thrombosis of the Sinuses of the Dura Mater in Fatal Cases of Dysentery in Young Children," 8 pp., 8°. Re- printed from " American Journal of Ob- stetrics," New York, 1SS0, xiii.
"Chronic Bright's Disease in Children caused by Malaria," 14 pp., 8°. Re- printed from "Transactions of American Medical Association," Philadelphia, 1SS0.
"Craniotomy upon the Living Fetus is not Justifiable." Address delivered October 5, 1SS3, 19 pp., 8°. Reprinted from "American Journal of Obstetrics," New York, 1S84, xvii.
"Scarlatina Puerperalis," 15 pp., 8°. Reprinted from "American Journal of Medical Sciences," Philadelphia, 1S44, n. s., lxxxvii.
"The Casual Relation of Obstructed Cardiac Circulation to Lymph Stasis," 8 pp., 8°. Reprinted from "American Journal of Medical Sciences," Phila- delphia, 1SS5, n. s., xcix.
"The Hygiene of Pregnancy," 15 pp. Reprinted from "American Journal of Obstetrics," New Jersey, 1886, xix.
" Maternal Impressions," Discussion on Dr. Barker's essay, 19 pp., S°. Reprint- ed from " Transactions of the American Gynecological Society," 1886, New York, 1887, xi.
"Persistent Vomiting during Labor Relieved by Anesthesia." 11 pp., 12°. Reprinted from "Journal of the Ameri- can Medical Association," Chicago, 1SS7, viii.
"Some Rare Clinical Observations in