In 1S41 he was elected professor of
materia medica and lecturer on pathol-
ogy in the Medical College of Ohio,
and in 1847 was transferred to the chair
of theory and practice of medicine,
which latter chair he occupied until
the time of his death.
Dr. Harrison acquired distinction as a writer for medical journals.
The "Proceedings" of the Medical Convention of Ohio for 1841 contain two articles from the pen of Dr. Har- rison: "Diseases induced by Mercury" and the "Address on Medical Educa- tion."
In 1844-5 he published his great work on "The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics."
He was on the staff of the Commer- cial (later Cincinnati) Hospital and vice- president of the American Medical As- sociation in 1849.
In 1S47 Dr. Harrison became associ- ate editor, with Dr. L. S. Lawson, of the " Western Lancet."
He died in Cincinnati, of cholera, September 2, 1849; his wife and six children survived him. H. E. H.
The " Boston Medical and Surgical Jour- nal," vol. xli.
Hartshorne, Edward (1818-1885).
Edward Hartshorne, second son of Dr. Joseph Hartshorne, was born in Philadelphia, 1818. Having prepared for college at a private school in Phila- delphia, he went to Princeton, and graduated B. A. in 1837; taking his A. M. in 1840. His desire to study medicine was not at first approved by his father. Edward's choice, however, was very positive, and his father consented. While a student at the University of Pennsylvania, he worked under Dr. W. W. Gerhard. His M. D. was taken in 1840, with a thesis on "Pseudarthrosis, its Causes and Treatment, "afterwards published by request of the faculty of the university in (he "American Journal of the Medical Sciences."
Immediately after graduating, Dr. Hartshorne was engaged for several
months as first assistant physician, under
Dr. T. S. Kirkbride, in the newly estab-
lished Pennsylvania Hospital for the
Insane, in West Philadelphia. From
1841 to 1843 he was one of the resident
physicians of the Pennsylvania Hospital
in the city and first resident physioiaii in
the Eastern Penitentiary, in Philadelphia
in 1843.
In 1844, Dr. Hartshorne went to Europe, to extend his studies, especially by observation in the large hospitals of the Continent, then returning home, he at once began the work of a practitioner. For one year, he edited the " Philadelphia Journal of Prison Discipline." His con- tributions to medical literature became frequent; beginning with articles and reviews in the "Philadelphia Medical Examiner," then edited by Dr. Hollings- worth; afterwards, reviews and numerous bibliographical notices in the "American Journal of the Medical Sciences," es- pecially between 1850 and 1S70; also, in the " North American Medico-Chirurgical Review."
Dr. Hartshorne wrote an extended notice of Wharton and Stille's "Treatise on Medical Jurisprudence," and delivered one course of lectures on that subject in connection with an association of medical gentlemen. In 1853 he was called upon to edit, with notes and additions, the American edition of Taylor's masterly work on "Medical Jurisprudence." A task so well accomplished as to meet with general approbation.
Dr. Hartshorne married, in 1850, Mrs. Adclia C. Pearse, daughter of John Swett, formerly of Boston. She sur- vived btim, with one son, Joseph Harts- horne, the only one left of five children.
He was for seven years an attending surgeon to the Wills Hospital for the Blind and Lame; afterwards, till 1864, surgeon to the Pennsylvania Hospital. With many others usually engaged only in civil practice, during the war he was on duty for a time as assistant sur- geon, in the field, after the battle of Antietam; and for two or three years, as attending or consulting surgeon at the