tocele." In 1S79, in the " Modical
Record, " we find his helpful paper on
"Cystitis"; in ISSl, in the same journal,
his article on "The Proper Limitation of
Emmet's Operation " ; and in the " Trans-
actions of the American Gynecological
Society for 1884," his excellent article on
"Puncture of the Gravid Uterus during
Ovariotomy." Later, in the " New York
Medical Record" appeared "Puerperal
Fever"; while in 1886 he wrote the very
scholarly paper in the "International
Encyclopedia of Surgery" (Xew York)
on "'Ovarian and Uterine Tumors." In
1888 he wrote a thoroughly honest paper
on " Hysterorrhaphy in the Treatment of
Retrofiextions of the Womb," and in the
fall of 1891 he read before the New York
Obstetrical Society a paper on " The Ulti-
mate Results of the Removal of the
Uterine Appendages," w^hich was pub-
lished in the " New York Journal of
GjTiecology and Obstetrics" and in the
"University Medical Magazine." It was
eminently fair and judicious, and no
paper ever read by Dr. Lee before the
Obstetrical Society gave a better impres-
sion of his honesty, his ability, and his
judicial mind. In the " Transactions '
of the Amierican Gynecological Society,"
and in those of the Medical Society
of the County of New York, of the
Obstetrical Society, and of the Academy
of ]^Iedicine of New York, may be found
many pages of his excellent remarks in
the discussion of various papers.
Dr. Lee married Helen, daughter of the late Dr. Isaac Parrish, of Philadel- phia, in 1863, who, with five children, survived him. One son became a doctor.
H. T. H.
Incidents of my Life, T. A. Emmet.
Am. J. Obstet., N. Y., 1893, xx™ (port.)
(R. Waldo).
Boston M. and S. J., 1893, cxxiii.
N. York J. Gynec. and Obstet., 1893, iii
(port.) (T. A. Emmet).
Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, 1893, xvnii (H. T.
Portrait in the Sur.-Gen. Lib., Wash., D. C.
Lefevre, John M. (1857-1907),
John M. Lefevre was a well known and very popular practitioner in the
early days of \'ancouver, and a mem-
ber of the Board of Directors of the
CJeneral Hospital, in which he exhibited
a lively interest, also taking a promi-
nent part in the establishment of the
new hospital, which was comjileted
shortly after his death in 1907. He
held the M. D. and C. M. from McGill
Tniversity (1879) and the M. R. C. S.,
lilngland, 1896.
He was surgeon to the Canadian Pacific Railway during construction, and to the Company in Vancouver.
Dr. Lefevre was a good diagnosti- cian and took a keen interest in his professional work. He spent a year among the hospitals of Europe, and before returning presented himself for examination and passed the member- ship of the Royal College of Surgeons, England.
After a short illness he died, in 1907, aged fifty years.
O. M. J.
Leidy, Joseph (1823-1891).
A friend being asked to introduce him as lecturer protested that he himself rather needed introducing. " Keep j-our seat, Dr. Hunt, I will introduce myself" called out the speaker of the evening, and he said:
"My name is Joseph Leidj^ doctor of medicine. I w^as born in this city the ninth of September, 1823, and have lived here ever since. My father was Philip Leidy, the hatter, on third street above Vine; my mother, Catherine Mellick, but she died a few months after my birth, and my father married her sister Chris- tina, who was all in all to me, the one to whom I owe all that I am. At an early age I took great delight in natural history, of which I have reason to think I know a little, and a little of that little I propose to teach you to-night."
Anatomist, botanist, paleontologist, zoologist, the "Uttle" summed up by friendly hands at his death amounted to five hundred and fifty-three volumes, papers and communications. After his early education at private schools he