State University, being dean of the department at the time of his death.
He was best known for his work on the State Board of Medical Exam- iners. The law of 1887 was made up entirely by Dr. Millard and an attornej' of Stillwater, Fayette Marsh. Dr. Millard was chiefly instrumental in getting this law passed by the State Legislature. Dr. Millard was president of the Minnesota State Medical Associa- tion and vice-president of the American Medical Association. He was one of the most active organizers and promoters of the Association of American Medi- cal Colleges, and labored earnestly and persistently for the good of the medical profession. He died at John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, after a lingering illness, February 1, 1897.
He married in 1874 CaroHne, daughter of John R. Swain.
B. F.
Miller, Henry (1800-1874).
In the latter part of the eighteenth century there emigrated from ]\Iary- land to Kentucky the parents of Henry Miller. Of German descent, and there- fore of that sturdy character which has contributed so much to the best citizenship of this country, they be- came one of the three original families of the town of Glasgow, in the county of Barren, where on November 1, 1800, Henry Miller was born. His early years were spent in his native village, his companions and associates the descendants of these bold pioneers. Such associations together with the strong German blood in his veins gave him the rugged physique and traits of character for which he was noted. He attended the schools of his native village where he acquired a good knowl- edge of English and subsequently of Greek, Latin and mathematics. He began to study medicine when seventeen under Drs. Bainbridge and Gist, two Glasgow practitioners. In those days there were few drug stores, and pharmacy and dentistry were
departments of medicine and the physi-
cian always kept a supply of drugs in
his "shop," also extracting teeth and
practising venesection. After two years
Miller entered the medical department
of Transylvania University at Lexing-
ton, Kentucky, and attended his first
course of lectures, at the end
forming a partnership with his precep-
tor. Dr. Bainbridge, and practising
until the fall of 1821 when he returned
to Lexington and attended his second
course when he graduated with honors.
His inaugural thesis bore such distinct
marks of genius and so highly was
it esteemed by his brethren that it
was published at the time, no ordinary
compliment in those days. He return-
ed afterwards to practise in Glasgow
and the following year was elected
demonstrator of anatomy in his alma
mater without even being consulted.
He gave up this position at once and
went to Philadelphia, making the trip
on horseback, in order that he might
better equip himself for the place to
which he had been elected. On account
of some dissensions in the faculty, he
soon resigned his position and again
returned to Glasgow until 1827, when
he removed to Harrodsburg, Kentucky,
and practised for nine years. In 1837 the
Medical Institute of Louisville was
founded with Dr. Miller as professor of
obstetrics and diseases of women
and children, which chair he retained
until 1858. In 1867, nine years after
retirement from the University, he was
recalled by the creation of a special
chair for his occupancy, that of medical
and surgical diseases of women. He
soon resigned this position, but two
years later accepted a similar chair
in the Louisville Medical College which
he retained until his death, February
8, 1874.
Dr. Miller was widely known abroad as well as at home as an author. In 1849 he published his greatest work, "Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Human Parturition," which ten years later was revised and republished un-